
ng the thirty-six Heart Masters of the Demon Palace. According to the realm rules established by the Three Realms, nine are Golden Immortals and two are Taiyi Golden Immortals.

The nine golden immortals are both male and female. Lu Nan is very good at making figurines. The male is tall and the female is handsome, charming and good-looking. They all have cake lipstick.
The two Taiyi Golden Immortals headed by them are even more extraordinary. The two beauties are both rare and stunning in the three realms. Their appearance is at the ceiling level. Any one of them can compete with Hu Sanyi.
The most terrifying thing is that Hu San can only look at faces. In addition to their flawless faces, these two Taiyi Golden Immortals also have impeccable figures.
The scariest thing is that they both look exactly the same, except for the difference in hair color.
/One is white and long and straight, and the other is black and long.
“Ah this”
Lu Bei’s eyes widened, feeling that he was being targeted. If he guessed correctly, these two witches must be Lu Nan’s secret weapons to deal with him.
“How dangerous!”
Lu Bei whispered, although but, he could only say that Lu Nan was late.
Five hundred years ago, when the Emperor of Heaven encountered two witches, there was bound to be a bloody battle. Now, the Emperor of Heaven just admires it and feels that the Demon Lord’s ability to create things with his own hands has risen to the level of art.
“I will have a bright future!”
“This is a great dark sky!”
Bai Mao and Heimao spoke one after another. They didn’t need to introduce themselves. Lu Bei could guess a thing or two just by looking at the color. What he didn’t expect was that the two witches hated him and stared at him as soon as they appeared. It was as if he had seen the enemy who killed his father.
/“Emperor of Heaven, you stole my father’s magical power, and we are ordered to get it back.” Daguang said coldly tomorrow.
Lu Bei thought about it and felt that Lu Nan was very good at playing. At most, he could only be a sister, master and servant, master and apprentice, mother-in-law, big-breasted brother, etc. This guy could even create a daughter.
Bah, shameless, he turned off the lights when he played this tune.
Lu Bei rolled his eyes and said angrily: “Lu Nan has a demonic thought. I am the Emperor of Heaven first and then him. Gu is the master and he comes second. It is ridiculous for you to say that Gu stole his power. He clearly stole it. A lonely face is the right one.”
“Also, since you recognize Lu Nan as your father, Nagu is also your biological father. Come here, don’t be shy, and let Father Heaven check how you are developing.”
Gu Zongchen silently recited the Buddha’s name and subconsciously moved to the side.
What a good emperor, but he has a mouth.
The extraterrestrial demons on the opposite side were also silent for a moment, and the Great Dark Sky said expressionlessly: “How reckless!”
“To talk to my father like this is disrespectful, and the etiquette and music are broken. It’s okay

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