
g smiled lightly and said, “That’s me.”

At this time, Pang Hong, whose soul was obviously a little messy, walked out of the instrument room with slow steps, looking confused, as if he had just suffered a major blow.
When Pang Hong heard Wang Meng speak, his expression became solemn, and he quickly stepped forward to introduce, “Uncle Wang Meng, this person is Mr. Yan Dao, a follower of Master Hong Tian, ??and a master in the realm of gods.”
/Liu Yulong’s eyes flashed at this moment, and he scolded: “Pang Hong, how dare you make Master Tianshi wait for you for so long. You, as an assistant, are really dedicated to your duties. Go and think about it immediately.” moon!”
Liu Yulong is clearly demoted but actually guaranteed. What does it mean to sit in front of a wall and think about it for a month? It’s time to retreat and recuperate.
Wang Meng smiled and said, “Everyone, why do you need to mobilize so many people to investigate the crime?”
How could Master Wang take these people seriously, especially those who lined up to look for trouble? He was in a happy mood today, otherwise he would really deal with them.
“Wang Meng, what are you messing around with? You’re wasting so many materials and delaying Master Hong Tian’s weapon refining sermon. You have nothing to do here. Pang Hong is absent from his post without authorization. This kind of punishment for a month is too childish. At least he must be punished. After being a disciple for a year, I was young and arrogant, thinking that I would be arrogant after becoming a master!” Shao Liangkong said with a righteous tone.
“So all disciples should take this as a warning and guard against arrogance and impetuosity!”
Wang Meng laughed, there really is such a ungrateful thing, “Go on and on, shouting nonsense.”
Why would Wang Meng waste his time with Shao Liangkong?
“This is the legendary Master Hong Tian, ??right? Pang Hong is my nephew. If we need help in refining the weapon this time, let him help. I wonder which of the rules of the Artifact Pavilion is violated?”
Wang Meng said calmly.
Everyone was shocked when they saw that Wang Meng dared to cause trouble for Hong Wenhai. Hong Wenhai’s silence was simply a sign of mercy.
Hong Wenhai had long been used to the treatment he received every time he came here, and he had long been a little unhappy. He didn’t expect Wang Meng to dare to provoke him.
Yun Danfeng glanced at Wang Meng lightly and said, “As for the rules of the Divine Artifact Pavilion, you don’t need to ask any more questions as a guest. You don’t have to worry about this matter, but you don’t have to worry about how to deal with Pang Hong.”
“Oh, really, what if I have to take care of it.” Wang Zhenren looked at Hong Haitian tepidly.
If he hadn’t killed the power of these guys today, Pang Hong’s life would really have been spared.
Liu Yulong hesitated to speak, which simply added fuel to the fire.
Yan Dao snorted, “Little bastard, who do you think you are? You dare to talk to Master Tianshi like this, you are seeking death!”
Wang Meng glanced

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