
be stronger motivation. In order to save the last few clothes, Wang Meng can be said to have done everything possible and used various means to finally survive until today.

/Old Ma emerged from the stone forest on one side, tilted his head, and looked at Wang Meng, as if to say that he had a part in this.
One person and one horse started to divide the stolen goods. They had an agreement. Wang Meng would fight and Lao Ma would fight. Lao Ma was also quite domineering. The bone demon’s body couldn’t stop Lao Ma’s hooves, but this cunning guy Similar to Wang Meng, he will be quite weak after a battle, obviously his injuries have not healed. Wang Meng’s soul took a while to recover after one use, so taking turns was a tacit cooperation.
Returning to the cave where he temporarily settled, Wang Meng did some magic concealment and set up a small psychedelic array. As long as it was not a demon of rank five or above, it would be difficult to see through and break in, which was enough to ensure safety.
The old horse huddled in the cave very wisely. The place is a bit small and not very comfortable for it, but compared to the danger outside. Lao Ma obviously prefers to save his life in an uncomfortable environment.
At this time, Lao Ma secretly looked at Wang Meng and saw Wang Meng taking out the third-level bone demon bone core that he had just harvested. Holding it in the palm of his hand, for a moment, a reddish light rose from Wang Meng’s palm, and the bone core began to shrink like ice and snow melting.
After a while, the bone core disappeared.
The bone demons and demon spirits in Taiyuan Bone Land are very strange and do not have attributes. The energy contained in the bone core is pure energy without attributes. It is of little use to others, but it is the best for Wang Meng. of supplements.
Wang Meng opened his eyes. He had finally completed the twelfth level of the Xuanlun Realm.
It took three months. After absorbing hundreds of bone cores of different grades, Wang Meng finally reached the twelfth level of the Mysterious Wheel Realm, and also practiced the Tianxuan Fire Cloud Skill to the Xiaocheng realm. Wang Meng’s growth in strength allowed the bones of the Bone Demon below level three The core has gradually lost its effectiveness.
The outer perimeter of Taiyuan Bone Land is no longer sufficient for Master Wang to continue his practice. Deeper inside, Wang Zhenren is not sure yet. In fact, hunting various demons in the periphery is already taking a huge risk, even if the masters of the Earth Wheel Realm are here. There is only one word for death.
If Wang Meng wants to go further, he must return to Wangcheng. In this world, practicing behind closed doors is only suitable for advancing through the ranks when everything is ready. Daily practice still requires joining the world. If you are not prepared, you will want to retreat. It would be impossible to get out of the confinement until death.
/The sign of a human being who is the spirit of all things is that he can use foreign tools. Even Master Wang

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