
ng to attack the ghosts encountered the thunder light, as if they were hit hard.

The faces of the five terrifying ghosts showed humanized pain and fear.
Half of the black wind dissipated in an instant, and no one dared to come closer.
When Ji Ming saw this scene, his face changed wildly.
The thunder method can be said to be the most profound method in magic. It is the most powerful and the most yang, and it can be said to be the nemesis of many ghosts and yin gods.
He sensed that with just one blow, the five rampant Yin soldiers he had finally refined had been severely damaged.
With fear in his heart, the green jade fan rolled in his hand, the faint light in the scriptures pulsed, and countless five rampant ghost mists were released.
He grabbed Wang Yuanlang and hid in the darkness, and left quickly.
Not a harsh word was left behind.
Zhang Jian looked at the black fog that filled the sky, and his eyes sank. His innate spiritual sense extended out, and his whole body was rioting with spiritual energy. Looking for the invisible energy, he flew rapidly.
But he still quickly lost the sense of those two qi machines.
Zhang Yi also flew down from the roof at this time, looking at the ghostly mist that filled the sky around him, the two of them looked at each other helplessly.
The two of them haven’t had time to practice the three techniques at the end of “Tongshan Purity Nine Chapters”, otherwise they wouldn’t be so constrained.
Zhang Jian also felt a little regretful. This time he had a chance to keep these two accomplices!
But it’s more about doubts.
The practitioner in the dark is not as scary as imagined. Although he can control ghosts, his body is no different from that of ordinary martial arts practitioners in the innate stage?
Zhang Jian didn’t understand the reason.
But the paper figures were more terrifying.
Zhang Jian got rid of many thoughts in his mind. When he and Zhang Yi looked at each other, they could see the eagerness in each other’s eyes.
This was the first time that the two of them had come into contact with such an outsider, and they were able to defeat them. This made them somewhat excited deep in their hearts.
“After we go back, it seems we need to master those three spells as soon as possible! I just don’t know if Uncle Yi and I have the qualifications?”
/There are three small spells recorded at the back of “Tongshan Purity Nine Chapters”.
The three spells are the Small Wind and Thunder Technique, the Soul Purifying Spell, and the Ten Thousand Wood Technique.
Among them, the soul-purifying spell is a method that integrates offense and defense. It is a method specifically designed to deal with the evil spirits. It can also save the souls of the dead.
The Wanmu Jue can condense the power of Yimu and condense the essence of Yimu to protect the body. It is a defensive technique.
The small wind and thunder technique can be divided into two. One is the wind technique, which can control the wind for a short time.
Next is the Wind and Thunder method, which ha

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