
ring back a guy like “himself” who is not loved by his grandmother and uncle.

People in Tongtian Continent have a sense of worldliness in their spiritual practice. They practice in the secular world and are detached from the secular world.
It can be seen that Wan’er admires Miss Jiang’s family very much. When she mentions Jiang Biyao, her big eyes shine with golden light. She really praises Jiang Biyao as rare in the sky and unparalleled on earth.
Wang Meng also admitted that Jiang Biyao is a beauty, but Wang Zhenren has never seen any kind of beauty. Although Jiang Biyao is good, she is not ranked high. In comparison, he thinks Wan’er is quite cute.
Wan’er now actually supports him to pursue Jiang Biyao, which really makes him laugh or cry. He is naive and simple, but I have to say that chatting with Wan’er is a very happy thing.
“Miss, are you really not going tomorrow?”
Wan’er looked at Miss Jiang Biyao pitifully.
Jiang Biyao shook her head with laughter, stretched out her hand and pinched Wan’er’s nose, “Wan’er, I have always regarded you as my sister, so you don’t want to go anymore. You know people but don’t know their faces. This world is too dangerous. ”
Said, Mo Wan’er’s head was turned, “You just need to help me monitor him. As long as it doesn’t harm the Jiang family, he can do whatever he likes.”
The Jiang family’s cold treatment was in the hope that Wang Meng would retreat when faced with difficulties, so as to avoid everyone being uncomfortable. News came from Haojing that the Wang family had really abandoned him, and it was said that they did not even care about his life or death.
Jiang Biyao smiled bitterly, this time it was a big mistake. The other three families were all waiting to see the joke.
There are still a lot of things to deal with. Jiang Biyao has no intention of paying attention to a little girl. It will be her birthday in a few days, and it will be a problem again. Wang Meng will not be able to do it without introducing him. If he does, the problem will be even greater. Who knows what amazing things he will do. If the Jiang family doesn’t take action, the momentum will be even weaker, and this matter cannot be hidden.
This was the first time Jiang Biyao had encountered this dilemma, and Zhe Wulei and Wu Yuan also knew about it. God knows what will happen. Thinking of this, Jiang Biyao does have a headache.
/The next day, when the sky was bright, Wang Meng heard a movement outside the door.
When she opened the door, she saw Wan’er standing outside carrying a big baggage.
“Master, you’re up.” Xiao Wan’er’s eyes flickered with anticipation.
“Haha. Why did you get up so early today?”
Wan’er felt a little embarrassed and kicked the pebbles with her toes, “Didn’t you say you were going to the suburbs today? I haven’t been there yet.”
/“Okay, give me a moment.”
Wang Meng actually woke up early. It’s just that I have been practicing. If I practice Tianxuan Fire Cloud Kung Fu around dawn, I can get more refined essence than usual. It’s really not enough if you don’t work hard a

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