
g that even after killing a demigod of the Holy Flame Sect in Qianfeng Sect, Hu Jing still couldn’t figure out Mingren’s current strength and realm, and where he is.

It seems that even when killing demigods, Akito didn’t use all his strength, and it was so light and chilling.
/The level this time may be able to force Akito to show his true strength.
Hu Jing can also force him out. Otherwise, Mingren will be too incomprehensible and terrible.
The place for the battle with Akito is set at Duanhun Mountain
Nine hundred and fifty-two: Eliminating Demons and Defending the Way
Duanhun Duanhun, Duanhun Mountain, Duanhun Mountain is another iconic and dangerous place in the Great Thousand Realm besides Duan Tianya.
The mountain peaks tower into the sky. No one knows how high Duanhun Mountain is. They only know that the entire Duanhun Mountain exudes a strange spiritual wave that is fascinating. If you don’t go to Yinxian, don’t go to Duanhun Mountain. Yinxian Below, let alone climbing, even if you are within one mile of Duanhun Mountain, you will lose control of your mind.
On the mountainside of Duanhun Mountain, there is a flat land of several hundred feet, which is called the “Wan Zhang Plain”
And going up from Wan Zhang Yuan, a Gang Feng fault suddenly appears. Even a demigod, once he enters the Gang Wind, he will not be able to climb up even if he persists for a moment at most. This Gang Wind specially destroys the soul and soul of a person. No one has climbed to the top, and there is no way to see the top from below. Naturally, no one knows how high Duanhun Mountain is. It is said that it may be Qingtian Sacred Mountain. If you can pass through this fault and the strong wind, you can reach the legendary god. Of course, the world basically thinks that this rumor is just a rumor.
The battle in Wan Zhangyuan is truly a place with no retreat and no escape.
It is obvious that the Five Sects intend to finish their work in one battle and completely kill Mingren here.
Just when everyone thought that the demigods of the five religions would personally take action, there was another shocking explosion in the Demon-Conquering Alliance!
The so-called demigods nowadays have actually just entered a realm that is higher than the Golden Immortal, but they have stopped beyond the threshold of seeking the road to becoming a god, so they are called demigods.
This is a general title. In terms of realm, they may be both demigods, but in terms of strength, the gap between demigods is often huge.
Therefore, although Akito killed two demigods, what he killed was a weak demigod that was only one level higher than Jinxian. A demigod with real strength would never be killed like this. Massacre is a joke
In the Great Thousand World, there are five major demigods, who are truly capable of being demigods.
/Wangtian is second to none. Unfortunately, he has been missing for a hundred years. Most people think that Wangtian is dead. Even if they are in seclusion, they can at least get some sporadic information from the Demon God Sect. H

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