
who built the house have said so. You told me that it has not been paid out?

who built the house have said so. You told me that it has not been paid out?
Well, I appropriated it for him. Bao Dahe was very single and had been short of money for the project. When your Wu family came to you and offered to provide housing for free, of course I appropriated it!
Wu Xiaonv was so angry that she almost vomited blood: I am the head of this house, why should others use my things as favors?
/I don’t know much about your Wu family, Bao Dahe replied nonchalantly, anyway, they all have the surname Wu, and you are the only one left in this branch. Do you know that women cannot inherit the family property?
He was messing around. Although a woman could not inherit the family property, it was not absolute. The family property could be used as a dowry to accompany her daughter when she was married. After she entered her husband’s family, it would all be in the daughter’s name.
Of course, it was impossible for Mother Wu to be so legitimate. It was not a question of not being able to get married. The key was that there were no more men in the family, and no one made the decision to transfer the family property to her as a dowry.
In fact, even in the current situation, it is okay for her to give away her family property or marry with her family property. Who wants her to be the only one in the Wu family to die?
Even if she doesn’t specify, the government can take the family property into public ownership.
But no matter how it is dealt with, the other branch of the Wu family can take the opportunity to cause trouble. For example, if the government is really taken back to the public and the Wu family wants to make trouble, then they can rely on “seizing people’s ancestral property”. If they don’t want to be troublesome, Officials would collect some symbolic money and then return the ancestral property.
Of course, what is certain is that even if trouble occurs in the Wu family, Wu Xiaonv will still have the upper hand.
However, for Bao Dahe, there may be disputes, and this is enough.
Zhang Muzi was surprised when he heard this and said, “Is there such a thing? Then why don’t you go to the construction company to sue him?” ”
/Where can it be so cheap?” Wu Xiaonv replied with a frown, “I’ll go to the construction company too. We have a house, but people say that once the money is allocated, it doesn’t matter about the construction of houses. There are people who owe money everywhere. How can they control so much?”
Zhang Muzi’s mouth opened wide, “How can this happen? What happened?”
Wu Xiaonv was relatively clear about this kind of thing. She sighed, “They only think that my filial piety is not enough to meet the tolerance. The convention is to take some measures, but what about Bao Dahe? Can you spend a little money to unblock it?”
That is, if people decide not to pay, their vision will no longer be on the tap.
Li Yongsheng also nodded slightly, “Yes, the key point is that you, the Wu family, are arguing. If we really want to sue Bao Dahe, you will also have to file a lawsuit.”
Wu Xia

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