
Jin’er can only find someone to resolve it. , when looking for help from outsiders, they must be at least a higher level, otherwise the Yin Jin will not be resolved.

Jin’er can only find someone to resolve it. , when looking for help from outsiders, they must be at least a higher level, otherwise the Yin Jin will not be resolved.
Intermediate division cultivators are at the level of Xiao Tianzun and Tu Yuanqing. Do they need to plot against someone who is a potato outside the system? As soon as the wind came out of his mouth, many people rushed towards him.
“Maybe it was the junior department cultivator who took action,” Director Li said again. Anyway, he was at least one level higher, not that he could only be one level higher.
/Song Jiayuan really couldn’t help it, “Will you die if you stop saying a few words? You are also a junior cultivator, go and explore his Yin energy.”
Generally speaking, junior cultivators can’t cure the evil spirits of the same rank. Hands, but to find out the situation, there is still no problem.
However, it is very regrettable that Director Li is only a high-level cultivator, one step away from being a senior cultivator. However, according to common sense, the director of the hospital office should be a junior cultivator.
Director Li was a little overwhelmed by these words and said to himself whether I am a junior cultivator is none of your business. Anyway, I just need to be a junior cultivator before I get promoted.
He knew his own affairs, so it would be difficult for him to take action on his own, but he also had a way, “Martial arts instructor told Gu Suifeng, a well-known junior cultivator, let him give it a try.”
The chief instructor told Kong Shujie’s two generals, They are responsible for literary and martial arts respectively, and Gu Suifeng is responsible for martial arts. In fact, he is the chief instructor of martial arts.
Security is separated from martial arts. Gu Jiaoyu is the boss of security, but he usually doesn’t care about things and doesn’t listen to Song Jiayuan very much. Most of the time, he cooperates with Kong Shujie’s work.
So he and Gu Suifeng got along quite well. Although Director Li was disgusting in his behavior, he really knew who he could and couldn’t mess with.
Anyway, he wasn’t worried, Gu Suifeng would listen to Song Jiayuan’s words – it was true that Gu Suifeng dared to hit Song Jiayuan out of fear.
When Gu Suifeng heard that the two deans were waiting for him, he dropped what he was doing – just because he had a hot temper didn’t mean he didn’t understand the importance.
He slapped three palms on Shi Jifeng’s body, namely the Baihui, Dazhui and Qihai points, and then pinched the opponent’s palm – the Laogong point, and felt it with his eyes closed.
After half a stick of incense, he slowly opened his eyes and spoke in a rough voice, “It’s like Yin Jin’er, but not completely Yin Jin’er. It seems to be caused by some illness of his own.” ”
Suifeng, this is… Chen Shanhe judged that it was Yin Jin’er,” Chief Li couldn’t hold back his anger. If Shi Jifeng hadn’t been affected by Yin Jin’er, he wouldn’t have been able to do this matter with confidence.
“You want to believe Chen Shanhe,

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