

More than one person swore that he would never dare to do it again, and was even willing to sell himself into slavery. But Huyan and other families have been living in this land for a long time, who is so soft-hearted?
When you try to take property that doesn’t belong to you, be prepared to be killed.
When you said you were wronged, did you ever think about whether the Yuan family was wronged or not?
The Huyan family and the Yun family were squeezed out of their living space by the Ma League for no reason. Are they aggrieved?
So what the four families had to do for these crying people was to tie them tightly to wooden stakes with rawhide.
It’s raining now, so this treatment won’t have much effect, but when the weather clears up, if the person is exposed to the sun, the rawhide will slowly shrink after losing water, and then strangle the person bit by bit.
If the weather is bad, and the sun shines for a while and then disappears, these people may not die until the third day. On the one hand, they lose a lot of water, and on the other hand, the rawhide is slowly tightened. This death process is enough to make even the most vulnerable people die. A strong man collapses.
This is a common form of torture in Western Xinjiang. The sun is poisonous and the cowhide is worthless, that’s it.
Aren’t you afraid of death? We want you to die slowly.
Others shouted at the top of their lungs, “You are so disrespectful of human life, aren’t you afraid of the government?”
What answered him was a sharp dagger, ruthlessly taking away another finger – haven’t you been using the guise of the Ma League, and now you think of the government?
When you, the Ma League, take advantage of you by force, you don’t take the government seriously. Why should we take the government seriously?
While the disciples were making prisoners and treating their own family members, the real people were watching Master Zhu search for his soul.
Everyone is extremely interested in using formations to search for souls.
/Master Zhu was not too self-conscious. After setting up the formation, he began to apply needles to the intermediate cultivator.
What’s interesting is that Shenting was also sealed off.
/After finishing the acupuncture, he was about to activate the formation. After hesitating, he asked, “Do you want to wait for the two passes of the Gongsun family?”
Everyone looked at the third high-level real person of the Gongsun family who was present.
Gongsun Dangxing was startled for a moment, then smiled and shook his head, “No need, they don’t necessarily come back when, it’s fine if I’m here.” “Your
Majesty, why can’t you trust us so much?” At this moment, Qiang Qiang came back. A voice came from outside, but it was Gongsun Weiming speaking.
Immediately afterwards, everyone’s eyes flashed, and two figures had flown in from outside the yard, both young and handsome.
Gongsun Buqi was holding someone in his hand. Who could it be if it wasn’t Tuoba Blunt Knife?
Gongsun Weiming bared his teeth and spoke proudly, “H

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