
onlessly, “keep trying that we don’t take action against the people in Thunder Valley, choose the right opportunity, and forcefully break into them. Within the range, capture the Zhang family.”

onlessly, “keep trying that we don’t take action against the people in Thunder Valley, choose the right opportunity, and forcefully break into them. Within the range, capture the Zhang family.”
The wolf pack is also a tactic used by the cavalry, which is to hang the infantry from a distance, ready to attack and harass at any time. This tactic will keep the nerves of the harassed person tense, and over time even May crash.
The so-called “only a thousand days to commit a thief, but no thousand days to prevent a thief” refers to this situation.
Although the masked man was wearing a mask, there was a trace of ridicule in his eyes, “Aren’t you worried about them attacking?”
The tall and thin Hua Xiu was not impressed by this, “We can still call for help. This place is far away from Thunder Valley. Even, we If you can contact reinforcements, you can ambush them.”
This suggestion is indeed feasible. It was originally a supporting tactic of the wolf pack, and now there are King Jing’s armed forces everywhere in the land of Sanxiang, so it is very easy to ambush the opponent.
However, the masked man shook his head simply, “Are you sure you want to compete with Lei Gu in ambush?” The
tall and thin cultivator was speechless. After hearing this, the other cultivators lost their eagerness to try – Lei Gu’s level in ambush , Prince Jing’s Mansion has fully experienced this.
“Oh, let’s divide the treasure. Brothers, it’s not like our trip was in vain.”
/They were dividing Zhang Tongzhi’s wealth. The young woman who had walked for more than two miles screamed again, “Damn it, they are really They’re robbing us of our things!”
Zhang Tongzhi heard this and turned around to take a look. After thinking about it, he took a few steps to catch up with Li Yongsheng, “Shopkeeper Li, please help us get our property back and I’m willing to give you half of it in return.”
/Li Yongsheng asked strangely. He looked at him strangely and shook his head, but he didn’t even bother to say anything.
“Lei Gu, the Ninth Princess is in charge!” Zhang Yuanping’s face sank and he spoke seriously, “You’d better check your identity!”
He didn’t dare to say harsh words just now because he didn’t know where these people came from. Now that he knows Well, the other party also wants to protect him, which means that the other party has the imperial court in his heart – otherwise, he can’t be so tough on the people of Prince Jing’s palace.
In his mind, the ninth princess was the daughter of the King of England. The King of England was currently in the northeast of the town. She was the backbone of the imperial family. And he, Zhang, was unwilling to join forces with King Jing, so of course he was also a loyal minister of the imperial court.
Is it not too much for his dignified colleague to put some demands on the Ninth Princess’s subordinates? Not to mention that he does have some information.
Li Yongsheng looked at him strangely again, and this time he spoke, “Are you sick?”
“What do you mean by that?” Zhang Yuanping was dumbfounded

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