
on is ultimately about cultivating oneself.”

At this point, Zhu Peng paused. He also knew that what he said would make Qin Yue unhappy. No one likes to be taught a lesson.
/But after thinking about it, thinking about how this woman had helped him in the past, and thinking about her cuteness and cuteness when she jumped to his side like a deer, Zhu Peng finally spoke out his rare sincere words in the past ten years. , a rare heart-to-heart.
“Monk, as the name suggests, you are cultivating people, not things. It’s okay to use force, but it would be sad to do things because of people or even things. It’s okay to do things because of people, even under the control of things. If you can It is really good to be influenced and benefited by it, whether it is to improve your quality, change your nature, or improve yourself. But in the past few decades of practice, you have always acted according to people and things, strengthening external things without caring about yourself, and you have completely put the cart before the horse. Have you ever Think about it, if this evil puppet really bites you in the future, what will you do to resist it?”
After saying this, Zhu Peng clearly felt that Qin Yue’s energy beside him was in chaos. It seemed that she didn’t completely understand the truth, but there were some things that you couldn’t do just because you understood them.
This time, Qin Yue did not immediately respond to Zhu Peng’s words. She just suddenly stopped the puppet manipulation in her hands and turned to look at Zhu Peng beside her. Her gaze was strangely unpredictable.
After a long while, she spoke: “If nothing else, at least in terms of cultivation, you are like a dragon and a phoenix, and God is willing to do it. This is true regardless of your strong character, accumulation of cultivation, or even family background and background. But Therefore, it is difficult for you to imagine how difficult it is for people with unfavorable qualifications to practice.”
The evil puppet in the distance was hit and smashed and caught again and again by the snowman beasts around it without anyone controlling it. However, Qin Yue did not even look at it, but with an inexplicable attitude, far away Looking at the sky blocked by thick ice. She said slowly: “The sky can destroy people without water, fire, swords, soldiers, thunder, demons, and other calamities. It only takes time to make people unable to resist. As the ancestors said ‘Time waits for no one’, and this is exactly what it means.”
/The inexplicable hesitation and helplessness in his words made even Zhu Peng feel moved. “Time waits for no one.” Once upon a time, Zhu Peng had experienced such pain, but, “Everything is reversible, and time cannot be moved.” This sentence is no joke.
In fifteen minutes, from the beginning to the end, seventy-seven giant snowmen were killed. Even the thick snow under the feet of the five people was soaked by the boiling blood that spilled out.
However, it was not just the blood of the giant snowman beast. Taoist Lingxi was seriously injur

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