
is on the suddenness and speed of the attack that the rangers have incurred a lot of additional casualties – if they can fight slowly, there are many ways to reduce casualties.

is on the suddenness and speed of the attack that the rangers have incurred a lot of additional casualties – if they can fight slowly, there are many ways to reduce casualties.
The Middle-earth Rangers had not been wreaking havoc in Rouran for a long time. Rouran quickly came up with a new countermeasure: the real people of the anti-hunting team were divided into two groups, specifically to deal with the Rangers’ reconnaissance riders. The team starts.
For a time, the casualties of the Middle-earth Rangers also increased significantly. Although not many people died each time, it was a major blow to morale.
However, Li Yongsheng and the others are not kind people. In response to this situation, they did something that made the people of Rouran jealous: the real person directly attacked the herdsmen’s settlement!
Chapter 736: By Lake Biel What
Li Yongsheng and the others did was really unlimited: a dignified real person actually attacked ordinary people.
However, Shan Ling’er is very supportive of this. In her eyes, there are no ordinary people, only two types of people: enemies and non-enemies.
Therefore, the six real people in Shuntian Mansion are the most active in performing this kind of task: killing unarmed civilians. Although it is a bit of a loss of status, it can make the enemy jump with anger, which is very relieved, and it will not be a waste of face for the family.
Soon, Rouran Kingdom made a new response: using doubled real people to ambush the real people from Zhongtu Kingdom who attacked alone.
The Kingdom of China was caught off guard, and a real person was seriously injured.
/However, the Middle-earth side is not unresponsive. They can also ambush the real person who is alone in the anti-hunting team.
/In any case, Zhongtu is on the offensive side and Rouran is on the defensive side. Zhongtu has too many targets to choose from.
Rouran, on the other hand, is much more passive – only those who can commit thieves in a thousand days, how can they guard against thieves in a thousand days?
However, the number of real people in Middle-earth was ultimately less than the number of real people in the anti-hunting team. While they harvested a large number of heads, they couldn’t help but suggest to Li Yongsheng: If it doesn’t work, give the anti-hunting team a hard blow.
As long as this anti-hunting team can be knocked out, it is equivalent to knocking off Rouran’s ability to quickly counterattack. At that time, the entire southern Rouran will be at the mercy of the Chinese people.
Of course, if Rouran sends out a large army, the Middle-earth rangers will have to turn around and run away, but against a large-scale army, it is really not easy to fight guerrilla warfare.
In fact, the number of troops in the Rouran Kingdom is definitely quite large. There are 800,000 registered regular troops. If the entire clan uses its full strength during war, it can reach 1.2 million.
The so-called million string control people are not empty talk. In fact, in essence, Rouran is a tribe where all the

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