
uch a sophisticated person?

uch a sophisticated person?
There are surprises after “but”, and there must be even more surprises after “actually”.
“Actually, I’m just guessing. Dang Yuqi tortured me like this,” Li Yongsheng hesitated for a while before sighing, “He is familiar with people from Hu Wei’s class in our college.” ”
/What?” It was Tu Yuanqing who did this. I was mentally prepared and couldn’t help but be shocked when I heard this.
“How dare you!” Li Mansheng stood up with anger, raised his hand and pointed at Li Yongsheng, then with a pop, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and then he fell limply to the ground.
He was so angry that he fainted.
The scene was completely silent again, and this news had a huge impact on people—it was heart-breaking words to say that I was familiar with Hu Weiban.
Hu Weiban received all kinds of care in the monastery. He never suffered any disadvantages when treating seminarians and teachings. If someone cut off one of the teachings’ arms, it was just a transfer to another school.
But is Hu Weiban really not remembered at all? That’s nonsense. How can you enjoy so many preferential treatment if you are not remembered?
The Crescent Kingdom, the great enemy of the Middle Kingdom, is currently in close contact with the Huwei people. If the fourth Sino-New Zealand war breaks out, the possibility of the entire Huwei people defecting is too great.
So this topic is extremely sensitive.
Everyone was silent for a moment before Sun Xunjian turned his head and glanced at Zhao Pingchuan, “Is this true?”
Hu Weiban should be relatively closed in the monastery, and Dean Zhao knew it well. But even if he kept his word in Bobenyuan, how could he dare to say that now? This involves taking great political risks.
He couldn’t tell. He glanced at Song Jiayuan and said, “Dean Song?”
Chapter 75: The dog takes the blame.
Can’t you, Zhao, take some responsibility? Song Jiayuan cursed in his heart.
But at this time, he couldn’t say that he didn’t know, so he nodded, “Dang Yuqi is actually a scum of the monastery. He once instigated Hu Wei’s class members to beat the seminarians.”
Zhao Pingchuan opened his eyes in shock . , he really didn’t know about this, “Don’t Hu Weiban rarely interact with outsiders?”
“There are always exceptions,” Song Jiayuan replied lightly, “I am very sure about this matter, and I have handled it. There are always no exceptions. I have wronged the young people.”
This was said with a bit of anger, but for Hu Weiban, which teaching in the monastery was not angry? But based on policy, everyone dares to be angry but dare not speak out.
Zhao Pingchuan turned his head and looked at Inspector Sun, “It seems that something like
this really happened.” Inspector Sun scratched his head a little. Ordinarily, he didn’t want to get involved in such a sensitive matter, but someone He covets military and national weapons, but he has a close relationship with the Huwei clan. Who dares to guarantee that there is nothing fishy in it?
The secret of the military’s weapon was leaked to fo

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