
fat monk thought that the other party was moved by what he said, so he tentatively said, “Could it be that the little thief who stole my storage gourd didn’t listen to you? It’s no wonder that the people from Thunder Valley, I have always been very arrogant, and I have formed a cross-border relationship with you, so of course I don’t have to sell the face of Zhenjun.”

fat monk thought that the other party was moved by what he said, so he tentatively said, “Could it be that the little thief who stole my storage gourd didn’t listen to you? It’s no wonder that the people from Thunder Valley, I have always been very arrogant, and I have formed a cross-border relationship with you, so of course I don’t have to sell the face of Zhenjun.”
He originally thought that Zhang Laoshi was really from Xuannv Palace, but the other party shouted “Zhihuo” twice in a row, But you can’t create a blazing fire. In nine cases out of ten, you are too ambitious but not strong enough.
Then, this little thief is probably not from Xuannv Palace, otherwise as a person with a pass to the palace, he shouldn’t use his own brand to show off his cleverness.
Since they are not from Xuannv Palace, they must be from Lei Gu.
When Gongsun Buqi heard what he said, he remained silent. He just half-closed his eyes and breathed rapidly, hoping to regain his spiritual energy as soon as possible.
Seeing that his words were “effective”, the fat monk couldn’t help but add some jealousy, “I think Li Yongsheng, especially disrespectful to you, actually treated me so cruelly. Has he considered the dignity of the true king?” Chapter
/100 Chapter 23 Provocation is ineffective
Faced with the fat monk’s chatter, Gongsun Buqi finally couldn’t bear it anymore.
He raised his eyelids slightly and spoke calmly, “Don’t you feel embarrassed by such a childish provocation?”
But the fat monk smiled disapprovingly, “Whether I am embarrassed or not is my business, my true lord. With your current moral character, what’s the harm in being more embarrassed? It’s true that you, Gongsun, are incompetent. You want to fight with me, but you are disturbed by a junior.”
At this point, he stopped speaking. Yes, he is The art of provoking is used, so what?
The so-called use of time does not mean that you have to let the other party adopt your opinion. If you bury a thorn, it can be considered a success.
Gongsun Buqi looked at him expressionlessly, “If you want to enjoy the soul search in advance, just say so.” The
fat monk twitched the corners of his mouth in disapproval, but refused to speak any more.
At this moment, Scholar Huyan came over and spoke directly to Gongsun Buqi, “This guy has ulterior motives and confuses right and wrong.”
Zhenjun Buqi nodded slightly, “Well, of course I can spare this matter.”
/“You really didn’t do it. Pay attention,” the boss of Huyan Scholar replied rudely, then stepped forward and kicked the broken arm on the ground. He held a small flag in his hand, “This little flag is quite exquisite. It is not worthy of the true emperor. Play with it?”
“This is Master Li’s trophy,” Gongsun Buqi smiled slightly, “If he doesn’t take it, how can I have the nerve to play with it?”
He said he was not angry, but he was really a little unhappy in his heart. He and the fat monk If there is a hatred for blocking the way, it is due to emotion and reason. He should avenge this hatred personally. This is n

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