
Without thinking, he shook his hands and struck hard.

Without thinking, he shook his hands and struck hard.
The next moment, he realized how stupid his action was.
But unfortunately, it was too late for him to take it back.
Then, his body shook violently, flew backwards for more than ten feet, and fell to the ground.
This is also his misfortune. Just now, a large number of people suffered from the backlash of fate. Although the situation was relatively serious, after all, more people suffered, and the backlash that everyone suffered was not very severe.
But this time, he was the only one who suffered the backlash, so there is no need to elaborate on the outcome.
When Master Feng saw this, he couldn’t help but murmured, “Master Li knows too many things, right?”
Ding Qingyao heard this, and she laughed loudly and replied, “Master Li There is a formal establishment in the imperial court, so it is normal to know some luck techniques, right?”
/This sounds right. When the cultivation level of Middle-earth cultivators is relatively low, spiritual cultivation and luck cultivation are interlinked. They can also be transformed into each other. Like Ji Qiang and others, they will even go to the army of transportation and cultivation for training.
But in fact, ninety-nine percent of those who can make good use of the treasure of luck are luck cultivators. However, even in luck cultivation, there may not be one person in a hundred thousand who can use it as skillfully as Li Yongsheng.
Host Zhang, on the other hand, was filled with jealousy and screamed desperately, “Look, this is the Xuannv Palace that has never entered the world of mortals. Haha, we finally colluded with Yunxiu. Are you going to let the Qinglong Temple Fair let you go?”
He was He was really a little frustrated, but at the same time, he didn’t forget to slander the other party and emphasized his own justice attribute desperately – there was no way, if he didn’t do this, his own morale would drop, so why fight?
However, even so, the morale of the troops at Songfengguan and Prince Xiang’s Mansion dropped sharply, and the Feng family felt even more complicated.
On the one hand, they were happy to see that the Xuannv Palace and the imperial court were not clear about the cultivation, but at the same time, the other party could actually trigger a backlash of luck, which made everyone a bit at a loss – the enemy is so cruel, can we defeat him?
Looking at it on the other hand, Lei Gu’s side has greatly increased its momentum.
Two junior masters from the Gongsun family actually teamed up to kill a junior master, piercing the heart with one shot and decapitating him with a knife.
In an instant, the balance of offense and defense seemed to be restored to balance again.
At this moment, the fat monk who was fighting fiercely in the distance shook his head, and the string of beads around his neck flew up in the air, transformed into a bead chain with a radius of a hundred feet, and smashed it down at Gongsun Buqi.
Each Buddhist bead is two to three feet in diameter. In front of these huge Buddh

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