
, but Chaoyang is an exception.

, but Chaoyang is an exception.
There are really too many children of powerful people here, and Chaoyang people consider themselves the elite of the country, and they are also willing to comment on current affairs and show their extraordinary vision and mind.
As a cultivator in Chaoyang, others are pointing the way, so you can’t fall behind, right?
There are many versions of how Dui Shuai begged for his bones. Generally speaking, it is said that he was not liked by Jin Yi. However, some people said that Jin Yi acted naively and made arrogant military discussions. Dui Shuai couldn’t see it. superior.
Anyway, there are all kinds of things, and there are also rumors that Dui Shuai plans to join forces with Li Shuai to help King Ying come to power.
It would definitely be a nightmare for the Tian family if Dui Shuai and Li Shuai join forces. One basically controls most of the military service department, and the other is the commander-in-chief of the Royal Forest Army. Once an attack occurs, no one can resist them.
Li Yongsheng is not interested in such rumors at all. Tianjia Chaotang and the like are too far away from him, so there is no need to think about it so much. Moreover, if you have not reached that position and the amount of information is not large enough, don’t talk about your horizons.
As far as his own mission – Guanfeng Envoy is concerned, who will be the emperor of the Middle-earth Kingdom has no impact on him at all. What he cares about is the world’s customs and people’s sentiments.
Yang Guozheng and Ming Xiaomei were more interested in the rumors, but they were only slightly more interested than him.
/For these two second-generation officials, knowing some information is enough. Anyway, they do not have the ability to influence the situation – not even their father has the courage to wade in this muddy water.
On the third day after Li Yongsheng came back, after he went to the class and handed in the task, he said he wanted to find Zhang Muzi and Liu Qi. As a result, when he was leaving, the young eunuch from the Royal Horse Prison came to see him. He was the same one who went to Zhangde Mansion. of.
The little eunuch’s attitude was very polite, without any of the domineering attitude he had when he took Huang Hao. “Master Li, Huang Hao is now being detained at the Xishan Royal Racecourse. What do you think should be done about it?”
The north and west of the capital are the most important. After Baijing Mountain in the west, It is also a royal hunting garden and horse farm. However, this horse farm is not big, with a radius of less than a hundred miles. There are large and small ones, and there are more than a thousand horses in it.
These horses are first-class horses and are only used by the royal family. The headquarters of the Royal Horse Supervisor was originally located here.
“I shouldn’t make the decision on this matter, right?” Li Yongsheng smiled, “It has
/something to do with the epidemic of military horses. I don’t understand this.” “Why don’t you go over and take a

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