
to be so fast, or maybe it was too fast. The black and white gods stopped in place, sensing the resonance of the void, and looking for the hiding place of the golden-winged roc.

The result was unkind.
The two were shocked to find that they had lost the ability to control the whereabouts of ‘Black Feather’ in the space created by their magic weapon.
If you can’t see it, you just can’t see it.
/“Jie, Jie, Jie, although you two have great magical powers, they can’t fight, so it’s useless no matter how powerful you are.”
Misty sounds came from all directions, sometimes from east to west, sometimes from south to north, but the owner of the invisible voice appeared.
The two gods stood with their backs facing each other, their black and white colors swimming, and their bodies slowly merging into one.
While Lu Bei was moving at high speed, his evaluation of Yin and Yang Dao increased to a new level. The reason was for no other reason than the failure of disarming troops and disarming armor to transcend the tribulation and being transferred to Earth Immortal. There was no possibility of ever improving their cultivation. However, due to the influence of Yin and Yang, the two Using Dharma as a medium, he has exerted the tyrannical strength that can only be found in the third level of transcending tribulation.
This is very powerful, enough to kill him with one punch.
“What a brilliant magical power. I take back what I said before. You two are worthy of my full strength.”
The golden-winged roc spread its wings and hovered, looking at the black and white torrent coming from a distance. He laughed wildly and said: “Today, I will let you see what speed is power.”
The golden light escapes into the sky.
There was a sharp scream that penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks.
The terrifying force cannot be predicted. All we know is that the powerful impact caused by this moment made the entire space tremble.
/The torrent of yin and yang bore the brunt, and then collided with each other as the golden light approached, collapsing and annihilating in an instant.
Almost at the same time, before the torrent of Yin and Yang could react, the golden light broke through the layers of space, and the god who merged into one penetrated the chest and abdomen.
one strike.
The sky and the earth turned pale and collapsed, the gods disappeared, and the two magic weapons became gray and lost their divine light, and each returned to the hands of their masters.
Outside, Bai Yin, who had been waiting for a long time, noticed the change in the space and hurriedly looked in the direction of the battlefield.
Who wins in the end, disarming troops or disarming armies?
Really anxious to death.
“Amazing, worthy of being an elder of Yin Yang Dao. This is the first time since I came to power that I am in such a miserable state.”
Lu Bei was panting, with a bird-like face full of admiration. As he spoke, he lowered his head and clenched his fists and coughed, trying to hold it in.
He couldn’t hold anything in, so he coughed again.

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