
n the combined stage. I was chopped to pieces by the fierce sword Dugu, and for a time I gave Dugu the illusion that I could break the immortal sword intention.

Now joined by Taifu’s Shenxiao and Jiangque swords, the state has gone straight to the stage of transcending the tribulation, and its sharpness is far better than before. A bit of cold light pierced the heart guard, and easily pierced the God of War.
In the distance, Zhu Xiushi secretly thought cruelly, and took out the Lei Shang Bagua Mirror with his backhand, trying to make up for it.
At this moment, Ji Fu’s armor gathered up and disappeared into his body for a moment. His left and right eyes, one black and one white, closed in front of him and appeared as a Tai Chi swimming fish.
Lu Bei made a decisive decision and exploded with sword intent, shattering Ji Fu’s internal organs, leaving a shock force behind. He then withdrew and retreated violently, arriving behind Zhu Xiushi.
The black and white swimming fish opened their mouths and puffed out, but failed to catch Lu Bei. A black gate transformed into the void and appeared in the void.
The two black iron doors are woven like bones, brushed with a layer of ink, and painted with ghosts and monsters. The bright colors are very visually impactful. The lifelike ghosts open their teeth and claws, and thousands of ferocious laughter merge into one place, making a loud noise. Lu Bei had a headache and a fever.
/Zhu Xiushi’s body swayed, and in shock, he fell out of the transformation state and returned to his original appearance.
The black iron door slowly opened, and two demons stepped out, one black and one white, with their ears and nose cut off, their eyes and lips sewn shut with black thread, and iron chains as thick as arms wrapped around their bodies, making loud clattering noises as they walked.
“Qi Yan Wushengmen.”
Zhu Xiushi had a cold face and solemnly, waved his Taoist robe and threw it out of the Taoist temple, dragging Lu Bei to hide in it: “The Wusheng Gate is the treasure of Qiyan Town. Mortals who enter this gate will die without rebirth. Monks who enter this gate will suffer the disaster of the five declines of heaven and man. Don’t touch it easily.”
Lu Bei was still struggling at first, but when he heard this, he immediately calmed down and his hand on Zhu Xiushi’s chest stopped moving.
“You may not believe it when I tell you. The Gate of Life and Death, no, this sect leader means the Gate of Wusheng. It is actually a magic weapon my master lost five hundred years ago. I have been looking for it for a long time, but I didn’t expect it to be picked up by Qi Yan.” Lu Bei said seriously. Face, angry, the treasure was covered in dust and fell into the hands of the thief.
“I really don’t believe it. It’s been thousands of years since the founding of Qi Yan.”
“Ah, Qi Yan stole my master’s magic weapon five hundred years ago a thousand years ago. Why is she so powerful and has the magical power to travel through time and space? Time Princess?” Lu Bei was stunned.
Zhu Xiushi was too lazy

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