
aled, real and true.

And suddenly, the aura of the sword’s intention fell from the mountain and river sword world. This was in the interweaving and resonance, the sword’s intention that truly fit the aura of the sword itself, and then under the influence of this qi machine. In the middle, it was directly submerged into the magic sword that was still just an embryo.
As time went on, as the aura of the sword took over, the aura on the sword flowed clear. In just a moment, the sword itself jumped out from the state of the embryo, and it began to possess clear Taoism. , meaning and origin.
And then, with the still tight connection between the sword intention and the mountain and river sword world, the magic sword on the spot turned into a sword light, suddenly jumped up, and submerged into the flash of the mountain and river sword world. In an instant, the sword light resonated with the Milky Way, hanging high in it, and turned into a point in the vast star map, moving from illusion to reality.
Moreover, as the light of the sword turned into stars and hung high in the sky, the aura of life and death in the mountains and rivers also began to wash away in the magic sword.
/The boundless sword energy began to continuously refine the magic sword, and at the same time, in the rolling mountains, the boundless treasure light hole shone, nourishing the sword body and origin bit by bit.
From the beginning to the end, Chu Weiyang continued to focus on observing the changes in the Mountain and River Sword World, and Chu Weiyang nodded repeatedly with satisfaction.
From the very beginning, Chu Weiyang never thought of smelting all these supreme treasure materials of multiple magnitudes into the sword pill.
After all, unlike when the ring-headed sword was smelted, the sages never retained a similar secret method of “the king can see the king” to smelt all kinds of supreme treasure materials into one furnace.
This kind of pure overlap is a waste of resources and a huge waste.
And following the mainstream principles of Yuanmen Swordsmanship in ancient times, perhaps from the very beginning, what the sages of the Holy Sect wanted to teach the younger disciples who were interested in swordsmanship was to follow the “Ten Thousand Swords Chaosong” and then “One Sword” The supreme cultivation path of “breaking all laws”.
/Of course, when reaching this point, what Chu Weiyang should also pursue is the supreme sword formation in the field of “Ten Thousand Swords Chaozong” that matches his own swordsmanship.
And it was at this step that Chu Weiyang jumped out of the barriers of ancient methods and jumped into the essence and essence of the sword sect’s inheritance. These changes in the four seasons are the best supreme sword formation. Chu Weiyang The road we have walked and the galaxy illuminated by the spiritual objects hanging in the sword pill are the best sword pictures!
Moreover, as this magical sword is smelted into the sword pill, as the vast star map hangs in the mountains and rivers, and more importantly, through the conne

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