
and it was the so-called Pleiades star palace. The monks are all included.

Almost in just an instant, all the sanity was easily shaken by the shock of that glance, and then all of them’s eyes were illuminated by a scarlet light that was like a sea of ??blood, even with the rage and murderous thoughts. There is only a fleeting glimpse of primitive wildness, and it is completely attributed to pure stupidity and laziness.
Furthermore, under the covering and pulling of the scales and horns in the blood light, the beast-like figures of these monks suddenly grew in a more “animal-like” direction, with huge and bloated bodies. body shape.
There was no need to do anything extra, but Chu Weiyang understood that this really came from paving the way between fellow seniors.
Chu Weiyang shook the red and black iron rod and swept across the four directions. Amidst the truly bright rain of blood, the monk who was still struggling in the process of animal transformation let out an angry roar. The voice was full of trembling charm. .
So, in the midst of the lightning and stone fire, Chu Weiyang crossed the void in the storm and arrived in front of the snake and dragon. The black armor scales of Chu Weiyang’s three-headed and six-armed divine and magical appearance were all in vain. All the Yin spirits were dancing and dancing, but among the changes in their body shapes, including those of shamans and those performing religious rituals, the pure charm of the Netherworld Talisman Array penetrated into this beast’s mind!
Furthermore, it was not the Xuanzhen treasure mirror, but the Xuanhuang iron rod in Chu Weiyang’s hand that was trembling and buzzing. In an instant, a series of crazy dragons appeared, and in an instant they followed the Nether Talisman Formation and went straight. It was reflected into the majestic thoughts and thoughts of this beast, completely shattering the remaining sanity!
So, after just that roar, the animal no longer made any struggling movements.
After all, his “Guanyu Sanren” was a person who escaped by pretending to die in the past. This is already an experience that is very close to the cycle of death and life. After such an experience, no matter what kind of essence of Taoism there is, The changes are all explainable enough.
It’s one thing to be evenly matched in talent and talent, but it’s another thing for two people to be in the same sect. It’s the most important thing at this moment to have the same temperament and tacit understanding in the overall situation that really stirs up life and death.
/“It’s my fault, senior brother! It’s my fault, senior brother! Hateful! Hateful! Old Guanyu! How dare you kill my cultivator from the Nine Chambers of Treasure Immortal Realm like this!”
“Where did all this nonsense come from! Die!”
The aftertaste of the words was mixed with the strong wind, and accompanied by the lingering aura, at this moment, there was really a dragon’s roar in the shaman’s war dance, but when anyone heard it, the dragon’s roar could not be heard. The chants are filled with the

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