
red in front of Chu Weiyang.

At that time, when the Panwang Sect’s secret method was printed, the interweaving of Qi and the refining of resonance simultaneously opened up the heaven and earth contained in the mysterious coffin.
Before the remaining cold air could disperse, when Chu Weiyang raised his hand, the Xuanzhen Treasure Mirror had already shined on the Taoist’s side.
When the dim light wrapped around the Taoist charm of the Tongyou Talisman Array and penetrated it, in an instant, the vague cold air seemed to have substance, and then in the last thin layer of blood mist, the dark and boundless In the world of treasures, strands of gray-black light turned from real to virtual, and emerged from nothing.
Furthermore, under the continuity and pull of the talisman and seal patterns of the Yinming ghost evil way, and even with Chu Weiyang slightly activating some of the seals engraved on the Xuan coffin, the Feng Shui Kanyu formation diagram was enveloped by the charm of the Yinming Burial Sutra. middle.
The strands of gray-black light gradually became entangled together.
At the same time, in the Xuanzhen Treasure Mirror, the blank true spirits and the pure refined soul power that had been sealed earlier were dispersed.
/What was originally a messy entanglement gradually contained gentle soul auras similar to those of three souls and seven souls. Those few soul imperfections that completely disappeared in the process of collapse were also eliminated by Chu Weiyang using “secret methods”. Completion.
Such filling and splicing.
Far in the sky, the Grand Elder of Lihen Palace, who was watching over him from afar, saw Chu Weiyang “using” the magic of the Yin Ming Ghost Demon Way in such a unique way. Even a great monk in the Golden Core Realm was wide-eyed at this moment. My eyes never thought that the Yin Ming Dao, which was originally extremely sophisticated, could be used in such a “rough” way.
It turns out that many times they are too immersed in the subtleties of Tao and Dharma, and ignore that the soul itself is the real vitality and creation of this world. Maybe there is no need to be too exquisite, otherwise they will fall into the trap. It doesn’t matter if the action is “rough”, vitality and luck will “compensate” for it, and this is even closer to the way of nature.
It is impossible to say the difference between the two, but it is true that the great elder of Lihen Palace can also realize that such strange and evil usages are also the brilliant methods of the Yin Ming lineage.
/And just when the Great Elder of the Lihen Palace was sighing and thinking about this, in the same place, under the light of the Xuanzhen Treasure Mirror, a light gray to almost completely transparent soul of King Gu hung in the air.
Immediately afterwards, when Chu Weiyang’s other hand dropped and raised again, the Taiyin evil energy that had been transformed into the main coffin was wrapped up by the Taoist’s magic power. Then, with the Taiyin evil energy hanging in the air, “Taiyin Refining” 》The magical energy and char

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