
how to tell fortunes?” Wu Fan was unexpectedly and somewhat understandably surprised. After all, a blind man also needs to learn how to make a living. Such people are usually very good at smooth talk. Otherwise, how could he find a girlfriend like An Nuan?

“Does it count?”
“All right.”
“Who do you think you are?” Liu Changan regained his eyesight and still looked at Wu Fan with no expression, “Are you thinking you are lucky?”
He has seen fortune tellers on the road who generally look like this. When it comes to fortune telling, the one he has seen is of course Li Daoren. This man has a fairy-like appearance. Whenever someone tells fortunes, he must have a straight look. He is gentle, pronouncing words like a yellow bell, and every word is a pearl. When he hits the point, people are amazed and amazed.
But why did such a person dig graves in such a miserable state, and ended up with a huge debt, and was buried with the door panel? After all, he could not escape the indolence, indolence, and excessive eating, drinking, prostitution, and gambling in human nature. However, this person was able to live for more than a hundred years, so he was considered angry. After all, the power and wealth in this world cannot compare to the fleeting years when the King of Hell urges one to die.
“Okay, let’s call it luck.” Wu Fan actually had no interest in talking to Liu Changan, but he was idle anyway. If the blind man wanted to charge him for fortune telling, Wu Fan was willing to join in the fun.
“You have a small mouth, your forehead is a little too narrow, your eyebrows are thick and your eyes are thick, your eyes have three white bands, your nose is fleshy, your cheekbones are exposed, your cheekbones tend to be in the sky, your philtrum is short and a little short of full, Your chin is long, sharp and has a pocket, and you will pour out when you return. In short, you are a typical person who has strong luck in love but is indifferent and passionate. You can just hook up and fall in love.” Liu Changan knocked on the table, “Not to mention that you are lucky in life. , and Junsha belongs to water, it just so happens that your luck is restrained here and cannot be used, so your trip will most likely end in vain. It is not your fault, it is actually your destiny.”
“What do you mean?” Anyone who hears such words will not be happy. Wu Fan’s face was a little ugly, but he immediately reacted, “How do you know what I look like? Aren’t you blind?”
“Who told you that I’m blind?” Liu Changan took off his sunglasses and gestured with scissors expressionlessly, “Do you want to take another picture and post it on WeChat Moments?”
/Wu Fan’s face was stiff, and he was so embarrassed that he couldn’t speak for a moment. Is this guy not blind? It turns out that I clearly saw Liu Changan there with blank eyes and groping with his hands on the table. Who wouldn’t think of him as a blind man when he saw this?
Therefore, he took a photo of the other party with confidence. Although it was a bit rude, but others didn’t know about it, so what

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