
ng with Gao Dewei is boring. , because Gao Dewei will not accompany her to do many things, and Gao Dewei is not interested in many of the things she wants in life, then problems will still arise.

It’s not a big deal. Nowadays, when young people fall in love, it is common for young people to fall in love and be cheated on, and to choose the color of their hats involuntarily. You can just look at it indifferently.
In the end, when it comes to relationships, you still need to care about each other, respect each other, have common hobbies and interests, be able to understand the needs of the other person, and be willing to satisfy them with your heart, so that it can last long.
Both mentally and physically.
/Of course, this is an ideal state, and most people will rationally choose to suppress some dissatisfaction and not destroy the current situation until they can’t bear it anymore, which is probably some common nonsense in families.
An Nuan and Han Zhizhi came from Hexi. The man she was pursuing was staying at the hotel in Baolong Center. Liu Changan followed his girlfriend’s instructions and set off on time. He went to the Starbucks in Baolong Center and ordered a cup of tea. He sat by the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the fog. A city where the sunlight disperses and the colors become warmer like a filter.
If there is a world like the one before us, the only difference is that there is no concept of light at all, then when people live in this world, the perception of other objects is closer to the original concept, for example, two intimate men and women have a kind of feeling. The perception of two lumps of flesh rubbing against each other.
This is probably how a person who is born blind feels about the world. Liu Changan adjusted his pupils and eyeballs to temporarily lose his perception of light. He reached out and touched the table slowly, almost knocking over the teacup.
/Qin Yanan once thought that Liu Changan didn’t have the ability to adjust his eyes. How could it be possible? Could it be that when he was shattered to pieces, he still had two intact eyeballs left to observe the world stubbornly and indifferently? It’s interesting, but nothing like this.
In fact, if you sit in a well-lit place with your eyes closed during the day, you can still perceive light, but you can’t image it. Many people can be medically defined as blind, but they are not completely insensitive to light. Liu Changan’s eyeballs are completely unable to receive light. From now on, this feeling of absolute darkness will make people miss it a little, because there are areas in the underground world where even he can’t feel the light.
“Brother, are you Liu Changan?” A voice sounded next to Liu Changan.
The unfamiliar voice was full of male hormones mixed with a faint scent of perfume, and the combination was very tantalizing to the female sense of smell.
It turns out that the eyes can no longer see. Without any deliberate adjustment, the other senses have become more developed consciously, or they are usually developed, but

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