
melt a shell pagoda and the intertwined veins of minerals into one place.

Chu Weiyang used this to lead the extremely powerful thunder and energy from heaven and earth to pour into the cave of the dojo.
At the same time, Chu Weiyang, who returned to the dojo, even before he could practice for a longer time, was even surprised to discover the unexpected gain of placing the dojo cave under the sea eye whirlpool.
/Although Chu Weiyang quickly swallowed and refined the Spring Thunder Qi in the dojo cave, forcing him to search for the treasured Heaven and Earth Thunder Qi, but in fact, the spring Thunder Qi was full of vitality and creation. The power is irreplaceable by ordinary Lei Qi.
And as the whirlpool of the sea eye swallowed up the various auras of the vast open sea, the thunder and vitality of the heaven and earth were illuminated in the clear spring. After several days had passed, the spring thunder and energy that were originally scattered between the heaven and the earth actually appeared like this. The method once again enveloped the Qi of heaven and earth and was buried in the whirlpool of the sea eye, and then poured into the cave of the dojo with the power of Sumeru.
In an instant, the sound of spring thunder continued from the cave sky.
Surrounded by such celestial phenomena, on the top of Langxiao Mountain, Chu Weiyang was sitting under the golden and red flags, with a wonderful posture of body and soul, swallowing the almost boundless spring thunder.
And in his long breath of Qi, soon, along with the solidification of his own merits and achievements, a ray of Qi changes that showed improvement in his cultivation realm were revealed from Chu Weiyang’s body.
Go further.
/On the top of Langxiao Mountain, on the five-color earth altar, the golden and red flags that originally stood at Tianyuan were hanging high. On the wide and flat altar, there were two figures, one black and one red, fighting each other. , constantly turning around and interweaving their bodies.
And when the sound of breaking through the air sounded, when he looked back, he saw Chu Weiyang flying backwards from the altar, and the surging and swirling Phoenix Sky Fire was still following closely behind him.
Half-suspended in the air, Chu Weiyang had to turn around temporarily. As if his body was melting into fire, his body suddenly collapsed and turned into jade fireworks swirling around. After being able to avoid the Phoenix Sky Fire, he was slightly He stood at the edge of the altar in embarrassment.
At this point in the fight, even Chu Weiyang, who was already firmly on the road to improve his cultivation in the elixir realm, looked slightly pale due to the rapid loss of his own mana in a short period of time.
At this time, facing Chun Yuzhi who was still bright-eyed and eager to try, even Chu Weiyang had to wave his hands in a slightly embarrassed manner.
He seemed a little embarrassed to speak such fragile words, and he seemed to have become weak due to the loss of his own mana.
But no matter what, Chu Weiyang us

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