
tually those stubborn people, especially those in the Yuan Sect who practice some remote methods. For a long time, they have been affected by the ferocious aura of their evil energy and mana.

It doesn’t look like much at ordinary times, but once it encounters such a critical moment, the ferocity in his heart is aroused, like a evil star, and he becomes completely indifferent, thinking only of fighting for a way out by his own means.
/But with their irrational minds at this time, they could no longer understand the situation in front of them. At first, the Yushu Dragon King treated the cultivators with courtesy, because firstly, he wanted to plan the situation, and secondly, he was concerned about the fate of the Xuanyuan and other sects. However, after the Yushu Dragon King treated each other with courtesy, someone else was stubborn and made such rebellious behavior. This was just a lack of learning and disrespect for the Golden Elixir Demon in person. It had nothing to do with the others. In fact, You are seeking your own death, and it is your own fault for everything!
It only flashed for a moment, barely waiting for these people to have any violent resistance reaction, and taught them to try to collide and destroy the supreme Feng Shui Kanyu formation in front of them, and the blood-flame sun hole in the mid-air was illuminated.
There is no way to avoid it, there is no way to hide.
In an instant, with the bright light shining through the hole, blood flames similar to those of the Blood Demon monks wrapped their bodies in it, and then amidst the shrill roars and screams, the blood light flashed away, and then only The remaining powder dispersed with the wind.
Even though they were disobedient to the Dragon King of Yushu, even the way they died was enough to leave a mark in history, and Bai Bai taught the Dragon King to give them a solid reputation in this way.
Even the person’s posthumous name was not spared.
And such a scene also taught the cultivators to become more awe-inspiring. They did not dare to neglect for a while, and hurriedly followed the good advice. After hastily agreeing, they went straight to the island.
When I looked carefully, I saw that the cultivators who first landed on the island and the monks who guided them were all treated like Chu Weiyang. Their souls were reflected in the Blood Demon Dao puppets through the air, and they had some words to explain to the cultivators. Confused.
But when the cultivators later landed on the island, from the beginning to the end, those Blood Demon Dao puppets never reflected their souls, let alone explained their doubts to the cultivators.
After all, there is a gap in treatment.
At the same time, in the same place, Chu Weiyang saw all the Taoist disciples of various sects standing on the top of the mountain. Perhaps due to the reflection of cause and effect, the nine people who are now considered to be “guarding” turned out to be the ones who were at the reception and pill banquet earlier. He seized a dozen people who had no empty positions.
Only a

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