
lt to find, but it is still possible to build a football field.

Behind the football field is the resort building and the backyard. When entering from the back door, there are walls all around. As long as the wall exceeds 1.5 meters, Zhu Juntang should not be able to climb out without the help of outsiders.
There are cameras in the backyard only at the entrance of the courtyard, and after entering, there is a resort building. This building does not have a sophisticated and complicated design, it is a very simple three-story design. The entourage lives on the first and second floors, and Zhu Juntang lives on the left hand side of the third floor. In the large suite, Zhongqing and Bai Fenyan Qingcheng live in the two small suites on the right.
There were people patrolling the first and second floors, and there were cameras. No one could imagine how Zhu Juntang disappeared silently.
Liu Changan observed the structure of the resort building, and then went to the monitoring room to watch the video with everyone.
“There is no doubt about it.” Zhong Qing said with certainty again after exchanging glances with the professionals who reviewed the video.
Liu Changan reserved his opinion. A fly has compound eyes. It has more than 4,000 small eyes. A dog’s eyes react to colors very differently from humans and have a 240-degree viewing angle. An eagle’s eyes can cover a range of 36 kilometers between people. The structure of our eyes may be the same, but the angles and methods of looking at the world are very different.
After a rough look, Liu Changan discovered the problem. He fiddled with the operating lever and pointed at the screen, “This sheep never came back after it left Zhu Juntang’s room.”
Everyone is looking at Liu Changan inexplicably. The distinguished third lady is missing, but you pay attention to a sheep? This sheep is Zhu Juntang. Yesterday, he went out for a walk and met an old man holding a sheep. He had to buy someone else’s sheep, which cost Zhongqing three times the market price.
Zhongqing paid in cash because the old man didn’t have a payment code.
“It’s back, it’s on the video, and then I saw it walking upstairs, and then ran away again.” Bai Hui’s eyes widened. She was actually watching the video carefully, because Zhu Juntang was always bleating, so White fennels can’t help but pay attention to sheep.
Liu Changan didn’t say anything, and no one noticed that the sheep that ran out first didn’t come back at all.
So where did the sheep that later appeared and walked around upstairs a few times, then ran away and never appeared again, come from?
/“You all stay here, I’ll look for it.” Liu Changan had suspicions in his heart, but it was hard to be convinced, so he decided to look for it himself.
No one had any objections to Liu Changan’s arrangement. A woman like Zhong Qing even had a dependency feeling in her heart that the matter was almost resolved.
“Oh no, a large group of sheep and cows are rushing towards our resort!” Gao Shou was patrolling on the roof and was the first to notice the abnorma

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