
lize the point? Learning music requires a lot of money. Even if the poor learn music, they can’t afford expensive instruments. But in “Guan Ju”, when this man pursues a girl, he is a friend of the harp and the music of bells and drums. In other words, he studies music.” Zhu Juntang said coquettishly, others must not have paid attention to this.

“Is this what you researched?” Yan Qingcheng asked tentatively.
“Of course it’s more than that.” Zhu Juntang noticed that Yan Qingcheng didn’t react much, so he quickly continued. She was originally going to stop and didn’t want to go too deep. “When I thought about this, I wondered if the cost of learning music in ancient times was relatively high. Low? So I checked online and found out that in ancient times, musical instruments such as harps, bells, and drums were instruments that only the upper class and the aristocracy had access to. Ordinary working people just sang and banged with a basin.”
“Especially this clock, it’s amazing. He probably invited this girl to listen to the chimes, just like the ones I heard in the Huwu Museum! Think about it, if there were chimes in ancient homes, what would they be? What kind of family? When I was searching for translations online, I saw some poetry appreciation, and said that these were poems by working people in ancient times. It was just a fart. Working people in ancient times would carry their beautiful daughters-in-law home to play with them. Where can I get a harp? Bells and drums?”
Yan Qingcheng looked at Zhu Juntang in surprise. It seemed that he had not noticed these things that Zhu Juntang discovered, let alone thought deeply about them. He usually just recited and understood the basic meanings and made sure not to make any mistakes in the exam.
“In short, this is the same plot routine as the overbearing Cinderellas in current idol dramas. In the one I watched recently, the male protagonist invited a top orchestra to perform for the heroine. This is similar to the one in “Guan Ju” where the male protagonist invited a top orchestra to perform for the female protagonist. What’s the difference between people listening to chime bells and playing music? Hey, people used this routine to write poems thousands of years ago, and today’s screenwriters can’t escape the routine of “Guan Ju”. They are really despicable and incompetent.” Zhu Juntang saw Yan Qing Orange’s expression was very satisfied.
/It seemed that there was nothing wrong with the bad old man’s teaching methods. Zhu Juntang thought for a while. She told Liu Changan a lot of nonsense last time. An ordinary teacher would probably not accept it at all and would have to change her ideas. But Liu Changan Nothing like this.
It was precisely because Liu Changan allowed her to develop that Zhu Juntang could understand more deeply on her own, without any restrictions on her thinking, and simply restrained Yan Qingcheng.
/Grandpa is great, and so is the little fairy. Zhu Juntang feels that he is almost far away from being a literary master.
“From now on, please call me Mas

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