
an, Ye Chenyu and Liu Jianshe is also the difference in age, status, professional temperament. If you just look at the facial features, you can see that they are quite similar.

Your temperament and grooming can sometimes really make your close relatives and friends feel that you are completely different. So if you can’t find a boyfriend or girlfriend, don’t rush to deny yourself. Start by dressing up and grooming yourself.
“Look at this sheep.” Liu Changan changed the camera and asked Su Mei to look at Zhu Juntang.
/Because Liu Changan was still pointing the camera on the back of his phone at him, Zhu Juntang was a little suspicious, but he held his head up habitually, trying to show some pride.
But what does a sheep look like with pride? It was probably just a sideways glance. In order to express his disdain, Zhu Juntang turned around and faced the camera with his butt wrapped in diapers, shaking it a few times.
“Is this Xiaotang?” Su Mei would send a video request as the third wife. Of course, she knew what the sheep in the video sent by Liu Changan was like.
“Yes.” Liu Changan responded. If Zhongqing knew it, it meant that Su Mei also knew it. But she didn’t expect that Su Mei was so calm that her daughter had changed. She just ignored her and Liu Changan was here to manipulate her. The sky is being bumped by a sheep, being bumped by a sheep, and is so angry that it will be deformed.
“Zhu Juntang!” Su Mei shouted.
Hearing his mother’s voice, Zhu Juntang realized who Liu Changan had sent the message to. He was immediately frightened. He kicked his hooves wildly and scratched on the ground. He refused to run. Instead, the sheep stumbled and hit the door. on the door, knocking a hole in it.
The sheep’s head got stuck in the hole, and it kicked and kicked with its hooves until it finally pulled itself out. However, it heard its mother’s screams again, and fell to the ground with palpitations and tense limbs, triggering the sheep’s stress symptoms again. Fainted stiffly.
After confirming that Su Mei had seen this scene, Liu Changan came closer with his mobile phone and took a close-up of Zhu Juntang’s whole body, especially staying on his diaper for ten seconds. Then he turned the camera again and looked at Su Mei is adjusting her expression in the video.
“This is your daughter. Look at the good daughter you gave birth to.” Liu Changan also said calmly.
“Actually, transforming into a sheep is also a superpower. She has just realized that if she learns to transform into a sheep today, she may learn to fly as a dragon in the sky tomorrow.” Su Mei said pointedly, hoping that he would understand that this was her biological daughter.
/“It doesn’t matter if she can only transform into a sheep. Do you know that she needs to be escorted by me personally every day now so that she won’t skip class? Even so, she still wants to skip class whenever she gets a chance. When she went to class today, she actually brought a smoke bomb! Do you think she will bring a bomb next time?” Liu Changan did not often communicate with

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