
aise, and add some words of ridicule.

With the phrase “Looking at the red makeup and plain clothes, she is extremely enchanting”, who dares to say that Bai Hui is not sincere in using praise and praise to describe An Nuan?
Just judging from Liu Changan’s performance, it seems that it is a daily thing for him to appreciate An Nuan’s enchantment. I don’t know what is the difference between Liu Changan taking off his clothes and him normally, and I don’t know if he takes possession of her under such circumstances. Bai Hui felt a little sad in her heart. She couldn’t help but think of many dog-licking jokes, but she didn’t find them funny, but felt sad.
But I don’t think I’m a dog licker. After all, I don’t lick Liu Changan. Instead, I often go against him and maintain my reserve and pride. Occasionally, I will put down my posture, but I still don’t think I’m a dog licker. At most I just want to prove my charm.
“Don’t compete with her in everything. After all, you have no experience in this area and have no advantage.” Liu Changan shook his head. An Nuan was originally very dirty. After getting closer and closer, she often likes to expose her true nature more and more. An Nuan is basically a genius in this regard. Even if he joins the former Jiuzhou Fenglei Sword Sect, he is still extremely talented and can quickly rise from a trainee to an elder.
It needs to be emphasized that it was the former Kyushu Fenglei Sword Sect.
In the past, Jiuzhou Fenglei Jianmen was limited by the times and had the backward side of feudal society. However, the current Jiuzhou Fenglei Jianmen is a new, progressive, and active advanced organization under the guidance of the core socialist values. Waiting for Zhujuntang’s success Join the party, Liu Changan also joins the party, plus Qin Yanan, three people can establish a branch.
After that, we can teach a feudal old lady like Shangguan Dandan, improve her ideological realm, and contribute to a harmonious society!
“How do you know!” If it comes to height, Bai Hui will admit it. This kind of thing depends on one’s own performance, and Liu Changan has never seen Bai Hui’s ability in this area, so Bai Hui is certainly not convinced.
“Okay, you win.”
“I’m just more coquettish than her!” Bai Hui couldn’t help but get angry.
/Liu Changan was stunned for a moment, then laughed.
Bai Fen reacted and stomped her feet heavily. Her already pink cheeks looked more like a naughty lamb with a layer of bright red lipstick on them.
He still laughed, if this was not Zhu Juntang’s place, if it were Bai Fen’s small house, he would definitely be allowed to taste cranberries, but let him taste the taste of sheep’s eggs, sheep’s eggs are so sexy Taste, Bai Hui just plans to invite him to her room to eat mutton eggs next time, that’s all.
Liu Changan stretched out his finger and flicked Bai Hui’s forehead, as if to dispel the random thoughts in her mind. Bai Hui touched her forehead, and now she just wanted to change clothes quickly.
At this time, Zhu Juntang came over wearing a golden she

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