
er the faucet to drain the water.

After doing this, Liu Changan took Zhou Dongdong out and handed it to An Nuan. He took the rooster back and waved his hand, “Take Zhou Dongdong to play for a while.”
An Nuan pouted aggrievedly, because she disliked herself for being in the way, so she had no choice but to hold Zhou Dongdong’s hand and leave first.
Liu Changan killed the rooster, processed the chicken feet and buttocks, removed the chicken neck, and left the comb. After cleaning the internal organs, he chopped the chicken into large and small dices, and then stir-fried it over high heat. Follow 1: Pour the whole pot of chili pepper with 1 weight, heavy oil and heavy salt, and stir-fry a pot of spicy rooster.
The red soup is as red as blood, and the chicken and chicken offal are mixed with the fiery red pepper. The whole pot will scare those who can’t eat spicy food.
Although southern Hunan is famous for its spicy food, Liu Changan has always thought that the dishes here in Junsha are not very spicy, especially the rice noodles and rice noodle soup. It looks quite spicy, but in fact, in order to take care of the common taste, it is often It’s just a salty taste, not “spicy” in any way.
Spicy rooster is a dish that does not rely on special varieties of chili peppers, chili powder, chili pepper and the like. It is the representative of the “spicy” cuisine in southern Hunan. Even in the surrounding provinces that are traditionally known as spicy food, it can be talked and laughed with. , not many people eat this dish calmly.
Eating it in summer, especially after the heat all over the body, refreshes the spirit and the delicious taste blooms on the tongue buds.
Liu Changan made the spicy rooster and baked the rice noodles he bought from the wet market. Junsha’s rice noodles are usually as big as the head of a chopstick, soft and lacking in texture. They are more like round vermicelli than rice noodles.
/There are also those called rice noodles, which are divided into round noodles and flat noodles. Liu Changan’s kind is also called round noodles. Some people also call those thinner noodles rice noodles. There are many different names.
After baking, the moisture in the rice noodles was reduced. After carefully rolling and baking until the entire rice noodles shrank in size, Liu Changan was satisfied. There was no other way. The rice noodles in the entire Junsha area were like this, so they could only be roughly processed like this.
Take some time to visit Qingshan Town, where Liu Changan’s favorite rice noodles are produced.
In the evening, after An Nuan and Zhou Dongdong finished eating rice noodles, Liu Changan sent An Nuan home and then came back. Zhou Dongdong had been reading picture books at Liu Changan’s house. When Zhou Shuling came back, Liu Changan said to make a bowl of rice noodles for her to try.
Zhou Shuling was also a little hungry, so she had a midnight snack. She also knew that Liu Changan was good at cooking.
“Mom, did you help me find my father again today?” Zhou Dongdong chatted with Zhou S

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