
e surface, Zhu Juntang really looked like a fairy with a fairy spirit. , turned out to be a female devil.

“Zhu Juntang has left an indelible shadow in this man’s heart. It is said that he has reformed and now comes to the mainland to study. As the saying goes, a prodigal son returns with gold, but it is still difficult to know this dark history of his. Accept him, if he pursues you, think about it carefully.” Liu Changan said to Han Zhizhi.
“Okay, no!” Han Zhizhi quickly denied it and raised her hand to touch her face. She didn’t want people to know that she had been pursued by such a person!
“What are you talking about? Zhizhi just knows this person. When he saw that his surname was Zhu, he asked out of curiosity.” An Nuan helped her best friend lie.
Liu Changan smiled, and An Nuan punched him, “What’s so funny!”
“I’m just appreciating Zhu Juntang. What he did is quite like my style.” Liu Changan raised his hand and touched An Nuan’s head. He wanted to touch Zhu Juntang’s head, but when he wasn’t around, he touched An Nuan. Forget about the head, An Nuan is cuter anyway, and An Nuan can not only touch the head.
/“It does look like it.” Han Zhizhi let out a long breath. Fortunately, Zhu Wenying took the initiative to stay away from her after she heard that she knew Zhu Juntang. If she and Zhu Wenying really developed something, she would just want to die.
It is said that Zhu Wenying has changed his mind, and Liu Changan also said that a prodigal son will never be replaced by gold when he comes back, but if this matter really falls on him, who can really rest assured? There is another saying: “A country can be easily changed but its nature cannot be changed”!
“Let’s go, you are only nineteen years old, are you still worried about not having a good man in the future?” Liu Changan waved his hand and said nonchalantly, “When you are not very happy, just choose to compromise with consumerism and buy a bag or something. The only solution to worries is a bag, isn’t this what you women said? As a boyfriend, I must at least buy An Nuan a bag or something.”
/Liu Changan doesn’t want to be too independent. He is just an ordinary man. Ordinary men will choose to compromise appropriately with consumerism.
“Ah?” An Nuan was a little surprised, but she still jumped up happily and hugged Liu Changan’s arms. She would never take the initiative to make such requests to him, but her boyfriend gave her a bag, which girl Will you be unhappy?
She also knew that Liu Changan didn’t need to use a credit card, spend money for free, or even borrow online loans to give gifts.
“But what exactly does consumerism mean?” Han Zhizhi asked in confusion, “What does it have to do with Marxism, socialism, and capitalism?”
“Consumerism refers to people’s unscrupulous and unrestrained consumption of material wealth and natural resources, and values ????that regard consumption as the highest purpose of life. For example, unnecessary upgrading of material products and casual discarding still have The most obvious thing about valuable products i

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