
knowing it! The witch must have other plans, and she doesn’t know what she wants in Xu Ying.”

Xu Ying didn’t know what it was thinking about, so he asked the girl in the coffin, “What is thinking?”
Da Zhong was furious: “You brat, you actually asked my enemy but not me! If you asked me, how could I not answer? Wait a minute, he seemed to have asked me, but I forgot to tell him. I only told him how to meditate. I was careless. , the witch took the lead.”
/The girl stood on the bow of the boat with an elegant figure and said: “You don’t know what it means to think? Yes, the line of Qi Refiners has been extremely declining by your generation, so you can be forgiven for not knowing. In fact, by my generation, it has already declined. There’s a lot that’s been lost. The influence of the Great Evil was just too great.”
She paused and said: “Imagination is to stabilize the consciousness without neutral images. The so-called non-neutral image is to use the consciousness to imagine an image of the great road in nothingness, which is used to subdue the mental ape and tie the mental horse. When you are thinking about something, you have to create something out of nothing and refine falsehood into reality, so as to practice your magical powers and achieve the Tao.”
When Xu Ying heard this, his heart moved slightly and he said: “The cultivation method of Cunxiang seems to be somewhat similar to Yinjing.”
The girl asked doubtfully: “What hidden scene?”
Xu Ying took out the volume of “Ni Wan Hidden Scenery Qi Refining Method” and said: “This Nuo master’s method says that Hidden Scenery is the image of the great road, but it is made from the hidden power of Ni Wan. Scenery can also be created out of nothing, and the false can be refined into reality, and can be refined into spells or supernatural powers!”
He unfolded the Qi Refining Technique and saw a strand of hair falling on the unfolded book page. Xu Ying looked up and saw that the girl had come to him at some point and was looking at the “Niwan Hidden Scenery Qi Refining Technique” in his hand. .
Her hair hung down and fell on Xu Ying’s shoulders.
Her skin is snow-white and her neck is slender, which matches her black hair and makes her look even fairer. She doesn’t look like an old corpse that has been imprisoned for thousands of years.
To Xu Ying’s surprise, there was no corpse odor on the girl’s body. On the contrary, there was a light fragrance that smelled so good that he couldn’t help but take a few more sniffs.
The girl was very serious. Xu Ying looked at her secretly and found that her profile was more beautiful than the front. Her eyelashes blinked from time to time, her eyes were like gems, the tip of her nose was delicate and straight, and her lips were as pink and attractive as cherries.
Xu Ying felt her heart beating faster and quickly looked away: “Not only is the female ghost very polite, she is also very beautiful.”
/After all, he is still a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old. When he sees a beautiful person of the opposite sex, he becomes a littl

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