
n front of the power of the Dao Fruit, even the complete natal magic weapon, the five-color jade book that is now considered the legacy of the natal magic weapon, is only secondary.

Therefore, as the first person to take action, Chun Yuzhi was very cautious in seizing the power of Dao Fruit, and only took 10% of it. The rest were all suppressed by her from the treasure.
As the “initiator” who took action almost at the same time as Fu Mei Laodao, Chunyu Zhi really deserves this.
Furthermore, Chun Yuzhi took away the five-color jade book, but at the same time that this treasure was taken away, Chun Yuzhi “destroyed” it in public again, and the part that was a real and supreme treasure was destroyed. It was smelted into slag, which was a complete destruction. At the same time, more of the various seal techniques of the Five Elements carried in the jade book were extracted from the origin of the treasure and were smelted.
/In the end, all these were turned into materials and achieved the Langhuan seal pattern.
Of course, because of the connection between the feather-patterned bird seal script and the Langhuan seal script, the advancement of the Langhuan seal script actually fed back to Chun Yuzhi’s feather-patterned bird seal script.
/Of course, the progress at this level may not be as clear as the Langhuan seal pattern.
But at least, she clearly taught everyone the insight. At this time, she used the seal script methods recorded in the Five Elements Sect as “materials” to practice her own seal patterns and talismans, instead of taking them away and extracting them. The Taoism and principles of the Five Elements Sect can then be understood through enlightenment.
With just this sudden move, Chun Yuzhi wiped out all the legal and causal consequences for himself.
Even because it is the common witness among all cultivators, this is an unbreakable statement comparable to an iron law.
Therefore, this subtle advance and retreat was well-founded, which suddenly taught the world that Chun Yuzhi’s mind was clear.
But after doing this, before more people could peep at him, the red clouds all over the sky dissipated, Chun Yuzhi waved the golden and red flag, and then disappeared in the same place, flying away without a trace.
From the beginning to the end, Chun Yuzhi never glanced in the direction of Tingchang Mountain.
Immediately following, the headmaster of the Huanghua Sect stretched out his palm from the air and grabbed the power of the Tao Fruit that was fully exposed and shining outside.
Compared to Chunyuzhi’s restraint, the headmaster of Huanghua Sect seemed a bit “greedy”.
With just one swipe of his palm, the headmaster of the Huanghua Sect took away 40% of the power of the Dao Fruit!
Almost subconsciously, the giants of the various sects all looked at the headmaster of the Huanghua Sect, but before the headmaster of the Huanghua Sect could react, they all looked away.
This is a golden elixir peak monk who is still in his prime. As long as what he does is not excessive, then everything he does should be natu

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