
tricted area of ??the oath in a crazy state. He died too quickly and had no time to take out the altar and shrine dedicated to the demon-suppressing runes in Yujing City!

Swarms of insects flew around, devouring everything belonging to Beichenzi, turning into a cloud of insects, and even planned to cross the other side and rush towards Yujing City!
At this moment, a red shadow suddenly rose into the sky and came to his side. It was the soul of Fairy Yutang.
The woman was mumbling something, and then she saw an altar floating in the Yujing City on the other side, floating towards this side.
Xu Ying was startled. Suddenly, a swarm of insects rushed out of Fairy Yutang’s soul, like a swarm of ants, eating her full of holes in an instant!
“You are unkind, don’t blame me for being unjust!”
There were also swarms of insects swarming out of Fairy Yutang’s body, biting crazily. The woman screamed and laughed, “I am going to release the person you are most afraid of.”
She was chewed into white bones, and then there was a crash, the bones disintegrated, and even the bones were eaten clean!
In front of Xu Ying, a swarm of insects emerged from Fairy Yutang’s soul, but the woman still stretched out her palm, her hand full of insects, towards the floating altar.
The altar staggered out of Yujing City and flew towards Xu Ying!
However, the speed of this altar was getting slower and slower, and it could not fly to Xu Ying’s side.
Fairy Yutang’s soul has turned into an empty shell, and now the insect swarm is chewing on the shell of the soul.
She could no longer deliver the altar to Xu Ying.
/The insect swarm was overwhelming and swarming towards Yujing City on the other side.
The swarm of insects on the other side that had eaten Fairy Yutang also closed up. After eating Fairy Yutang, the realms that were stripped off one by one merged with the swarm of insects in front of Xu Ying.
The two groups of insects gathered together, like a dark cloud, flying around the altar.
Suddenly, the swarms of insects gathered together and transformed into human forms, landing on the altar. The human form gradually became clear from blur, and the eyes, ears, mouth and nose could be seen.
“Fellow Daoist Xu.”
The insect man smiled slightly and promised Xu, “How are you? You don’t really think that you can break the seal just by getting the altar and the demon-suppressing runes, do you?”
Xu Ying’s face darkened as he saw the altar carrying the insect man floating towards him, getting closer and closer to him.
The insect man came to the shrine, smiled and sighed: “Even if you get the altar and the demon-suppressing rune, you can’t unlock it.”
The insect man stretched out a hand and crushed the burning incense head.
The incense is gone.
The incense that kept the two demon-suppressing runes on the shrine running suddenly disappeared. Xu Ying felt happy, but his seal was not released.
In the Yujing City opposite, another altar appeared. There was a shrine on the altar and a thick incense candle in front of the shrine.
“Don’t you under

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