
oning expression.

Yuqing Taoist said: “Qingxuan is a disciple of my Shangqing Taoist sect. He is a very talented young man. In just a few hundred years, he has understood the Huangting Tao and has become the Huangting Shangqing. He is a wizard and can learn anything at once. Once you know it, you will understand it with just a little bit, and you will understand it as soon as you realize it. But later he left the Shangqing Dao Sect and disappeared.”
His eyes were strange and he said: “I didn’t expect that he would make friends with a group of gangsters. These gangsters may be the same people who destroyed the ancestral court back then.”
Xu Ying frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong.
/“Since he is a member of the Taoist sect, why did he force Yunhai to reveal the whereabouts of Shangqing Dongyuan?” Xu Ying asked.
Xu Ying raised his eyebrows and said, “Qingxuan said that after Dao cried, the heaven and earth collapsed and mortals could not survive. What’s going on?”
Yuqing Taoist said: “At that time, the great road of heaven and earth collapsed, the way of heaven collapsed, and natural disasters continued for years. It was indeed difficult for mortals to survive.”
/Xu Ying frowned slightly, feeling that there might be something else going on, but Taoist Yuqing didn’t say anything.
“However, this Taoist Qingxuan used the Six Secrets. This Six Secrets ancestral method is extremely ancient, and it is extremely domineering when used. We are both in the realm of Tianjun, so it shouldn’t be too easy for him to defeat Yunhai.”
Xu Ying thought, “This person should be the founder of the Six Secrets of the Ancestral Technique. Did he also leave the Taiyi Innate Technique to the Xu family? Could it be that he joined forces with another group of masters to overthrow the Immortal Court and kill Emperor Ai?” , get rid of the demon ancestors and ancestral gods, and destroy the ancestral court? Then, who are the other masters?”
“Qingxuan said that he wants to do something major that will change the world. Once this is done, he will help Yunhai lift the seal. The big thing he is talking about is probably to overthrow the rule of the ancestral court.”
Xu Ying wondered, “He has already done it, why didn’t he help Yunhai unblock it?”
Taoist Yuqing said: “There are too many people in this world who don’t keep their word. Qingxuan may be a person who doesn’t keep his word.”
When Yunhai and Taoist Yuan heard the words “words without keeping faith”, they all looked at Xu Ying.
Xu Ying’s face remained as usual, and he thought: “Six hundred thousand years ago, someone led the sentient beings of the ancestral court to escape from the ancestral court that was destroyed by Tao Weeping. They passed through the Kunlun Mountains and migrated to all the heavens and all the realms. From then on, all the races in the heavens and all the worlds were The world forms fire and thrives. This matter may be related to Qing Xuanzi and others.”
Similarly, this matter is also related to Xu Jiaping.
It was at that time that the Xu family beca

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