
to heal the injuries on their bodies, but after a short time, the Dao injuries that had been bothering them for a long time were eliminated by them!

The breeze lifted up Jin Ruyi, and Jin Ruyi flew through the air and touched a Dao Fruit, which immediately fell down.
“Senior Brother Xu, we two brothers owe you nothing! Mingyue follow me!”
The breeze roared, and the two brothers, one on the left and one on the right, rushed out at the same time, saying solemnly: “Death to the intruder!”
Xu Ying caught the Dao Fruit and shouted loudly: “Qingfeng Mingyue, don’t go!”
The voice of Qingfeng came from a distance: “The two of us are ordered by the ancestor to guard Wuzhuang Temple. Even if we die, we cannot disobey the instruction of the ancestor! Senior Brother Xu, farewell!”
He turned around and waved to Xu Ying, saying: “Look for opportunities and escape by yourself!”
Qingfeng glanced at the silly Mingyue, and saw that Mingyue also waved to Xu Ying silly, feeling both relieved and desolate in her heart.
He knew that no one in ancient times could resist the Immortal Court, let alone the Wuzhuang Temple.
If I and Mingyue go here, I’m afraid they will be shattered into pieces.
“Junior Brother Mingyue, follow me!” He called out and stepped forward to meet him.
Qingfeng and Mingyue were originally Heavenly Lords. They looked young, but in fact they were hundreds of thousands of years old monsters with profound skills.
They had already died in the Dao Cry, relying on the Dao Fruit to maintain a seemingly dead state, and their Dao Trees and Dao Flowers were also destroyed. Without the Dao Tree, the Dao Fruit would have less support and would not be as powerful as the real Da Luo Jinxian.
/Therefore, their kind of path and fruit is called false path and fruit.
Of course, if they can repair the incomplete soul, they can also refine it into a Taoist tree.
It’s just that the two of them are eager to protect the tree, and they are both in a state of seemingly dying, unable to practice from scratch.
Xu Ying quickly took a ginseng Tao fruit to activate the Tao fruit and refine it.
Lan Suying put away her two Dao Fruits and did not take them.
/Their eyes fell firmly on Qingfeng Mingyue, and they saw the two people walking through the dojo with ghostly movements, without touching any light, to greet the Lord God.
The emperor paused and realized that the two men had profound cultivation and possessed the Tao Fruit that he dreamed of. He did not dare to neglect, and immediately activated the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Breaking Technique, used the Nine Heavens Dao King Seal, and faced the attack of the two!
With one against two, he suddenly felt two terrifying forces crushing him.
The emperor retreated, jumping unsteadily like a civet cat, constantly changing his body shape and posture, while avoiding the light of the ginseng fruit tree, and praised: “What a powerful magic power! If I get the ginseng fruit, I will definitely go one step further!”
In a few steps, he removed the power of Qingfeng Mingyue, and he was

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