
“Ah Ying has unique attainments in life and death, Tao power, void, Hunyuan, Cuiyan, Heavenly Dao and Hongmeng.”

Demon Ancestor shook his head and said: “We have never cultivated to the supreme level, and there is always a qualitative gap. Even if Ming Zun is only better than him in six things, and he is better than Ming Zun in seven things, he will still be defeated. What’s more,”
He stopped and looked at the other end of the abyss warily.
The other end of the abyss is difficult to see with the naked eye, and can only be seen as a blur of fog, with no human beings in sight. But the Demon Ancestor clearly felt that there was an extremely powerful being standing on the other side, ready to cross the abyss and strike at any time!
“Supreme Creation!”
Demon Ancestor’s heart beat violently, and he said silently, “Besides, this battle is not just between the two of them, it is also a contest between the forces of both sides. And in this aspect, we are at a disadvantage.”
With his strength, he can be slightly better in a duel with the Supreme Creation, but that is when the Supreme Creation does not have a cave.
If the Supreme Creation uses the Supreme Cave Abyss, then he will be inferior!
“Without the Ancestral God coming back to take charge, we will always be much inferior.” He said silently in his heart.
At this time, Senior Brother Tian appeared with the Dragon Bell in his hands. The Dragon Bell flew up, filled with immortal spiritual light, and emitted monstrous fluctuations.
And on the other side, a powerful aura emerged, and a figure stood vaguely, which shocked Senior Brother Tian: “One of the six masters of the Twelve Wonders! The Supreme Immortal Emperor has found another master of the Twelve Wonders!”
There were many masters who besieged the Ancestral God back then. The Heavenly Protector of the Ancestral God met these masters and noticed that their aura was very familiar and lacked the aura of the Supreme. This was obviously one of the twelve wonders!
“The Holy Lord is not in the Earthly Immortal Realm. Mingzun wants to play a big game. He took the opportunity to release the Supreme and Wonderful Realm who were suppressed by the Supreme!”
A voice came, happily saying: “This is a good place to sell steamed buns!”
Everyone followed the sound and saw the good-for-nothing Qingxuan Shiran walking towards him, planning to set up a stall next to Tianyuan. The corners of Empress Ziwei’s eyes twitched violently, and she stood up suddenly, with murderous intent, and her eyes were as sharp as the light from the true glass lamp of Taicang Cave!
Demon Ancestor was also furious with suicide. The hibiscus tree behind him suddenly reached the height of the sky, staring at Qingxuan fiercely.
Xuhuang, Taiqing, Yuxu and others also sacrificed the treasures of their respective wonderful realms as if they were facing a formidable enemy.
Only Taoist Yuqing sighed and frowned slightly.
Qingxuan was originally his disciple and the gravedigger of various sects, which made it difficult for him to face Qingxuan.
/At the s

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