
eyes and tried his best to calm his chaotic Taoist heart, trying to prevent himself from being ridiculed and disturbed by the outside world. Gradually, his Taoist mind calmed down, and now it was much easier to suppress Xu Ying’s magical power that invaded his body.

He turned a deaf ear to everything in the outside world, and did not know the passage of time. He was not surprised when the sky fell, and concentrated on suppressing the earth-opening magical power.
Xu Ying’s magical power cut into his brain. If he was not careful, he would die. He had to be very cautious.
/Seeing this situation, Lu Yiren frowned slightly: “I have warned him to be cautious, but I didn’t expect that it still won’t work. However, if he can come out and have a perfect Taoist heart, his cultivation strength will definitely be able to reach a higher level.”
He had communicated with Young Master Hong Bo and knew how powerful Young Master Hong Bo was.
Young Master Hongbo practices the Taoist techniques of Yin Yuanzi, the immortal being on the other side. His technique “Tian Yin Xuan Gong” is so profound that even Lu Yiren only finds it mysterious and unpredictable.
It was an extremely complete immortal-level technique, all-encompassing, far beyond the Taoist techniques recorded on the two green rocks in the human world and the immortal world.
The Dragon Clan went to the other side to learn scriptures and also obtained the “Tian Yin Xuan Gong”, but it was far less detailed and profound than the master’s practice by Hong Bo.
“Xu Ying’s defeat of Hong Bo is a difficult problem for me. It is very difficult to implement humanization in the earthly immortal world, and I am afraid that the foundation of humanization in the heavenly world will also be shaken.”
Lu Yiren frowned slightly. The reason why he wanted to prevent Xu Ying from defeating Hong Bo was because he was worried about this.
In his opinion, Xu Ying’s new way is still far inferior to the other side’s way. If Xu Ying succeeds, he is afraid that another piece of green rock will fly in the future, and the immortal world and the human world will inevitably be destroyed!
“My parents wanted to pass on the civilization of the other side and sacrificed their lives for it. They cannot be destroyed by the promised new way!”
Just as he thought of this, he suddenly heard Princess Mingman’s voice: “Master, I want to learn this!”
“Want to learn? Okay, I’ll teach you!”
Lu Yiren looked over there and saw Xu Ying leading Princess Mingman to a tree. The tree was extremely tall and strong. It was a fairy tree from the other side. It may have been growing for millions of years.
Xu Ying stood under the tree and told the mystery of his earth-bending magical power. Great supernatural powers like these are endlessly mysterious and are the crystallization of a practitioner’s wisdom. They are often secrets that are not passed down to others. When teaching disciples, you also need to choose an uninhabited place, sealing the space and time of heaven and earth on three levels inside and three outside,

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