
t and said: “Six hundred thousand years ago, you and I had a gambling fight. You lost one move and you will never be able to take another step beyond the Wangxiang Tower for the rest of your life.”

Lu Daozun was full of immortality and smiled slightly: “We made an agreement back then, when I can take your move, when I will walk out of Wangxiangtai. So today, I walked out.”
The Holy Lord said: “Do you think you are capable of taking my move today?”
Lu Daozun let out a long roar, and the long sword flew out from the sword box. The sword light filled the sky like a star river, and he roared towards the Holy Lord!
The Holy Lord sneered: “Flowers are not as good as Yao Luo”
Before he could finish speaking, Lu Daozun stepped on his feet, and the space rotated. In an instant, the Holy Lord seemed to be in Wangxiang Terrace. The sword light that came like a galaxy actually conveyed the fateful charm of time travel like Wangxiang Terrace, traveling through time. Come, let the Holy Lord have nowhere to hide!
The Holy Lord snorted, and thousands of rays of light flew around, shaking the sword’s light.
He noticed that there was sword intent coming from behind him, and he suddenly looked back. He didn’t see the sword light, but what he saw was his childhood and his hometown.
Lu Daozun’s fairy sword came and stabbed him in the heart.
The Holy Lord looked down and saw that his two fingers were clamping the sword, causing the sword to not penetrate.
“What is this move called?” he asked in a low voice.
Lu Daozun said: “Looking back at Wangxiang Terrace.”
The Holy Lord nodded slightly, walked forward, and said, “You passed the test.”
Lu Daozun followed him and smiled: “Thank you, Holy Lord, for your help.”
The Holy Lord did not speak. This time he did not attack Lu Daozun, but just took one of Lu Daozun’s moves. If he takes action, no matter how sophisticated Lu Daozun’s Taoism is, he may still not be able to withstand his attack.
/He is already stronger than before he cultivated himself. The new supreme realm is half or one realm higher than the previous supreme realm. Lu Daozun did not cut off his own cultivation and rebuild a new way. Instead of narrowing the gap with him, it actually widened.
/Everyone entered the Tiandao Ancestral Court and looked up, only to see that a building ship had begun to take shape. Yu Xuanji and a pretty girl were flying around the building ship, using various tempering techniques to temper the building ship.
The skills of the two were astonishing, dazzling Shengzun and others.
Kuyang Daojun said: “If Yu Ji has a better brain, he can slightly evolve the casting method and use it as a magical power for attack. Who in the world can withstand his punch?”
As soon as he said this, the others waved their hands. Dan Xuanzi smiled brightly and said: “Don’t say it, don’t say it. If you say it, he has figured out the fighting method, who will refine the magic weapon for us?”
Daojun Kuyang woke up and immediately stopped talking about it.
When everyone walked up to them, they suddenly

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