
ountain and rises slowly. It was an extremely huge creature, like a cow, roaring like a dragon, with scales like bone plates growing on its body, rough and bumpy.

It seemed like it was rubbing against the mountains, causing sparks to fly, and then slowly left.
Its tail whipped up, and it flew over the top of the mountain in a black mass, setting off a hot and violent wind.
“This is definitely not China. Where is it?” they murmured.
The big bell vibrated and its sound was melodious: “Gentlemen, this is the cave sky.”
Xu Ying suddenly realized: “This is Chaozhen Taixu Cave Heaven!”
He looked at the mountains and rivers at his feet, and his heart moved slightly. This cliff was like the other half of the Cangwu Abyss!
When he was fished out of the Cangwu Abyss, he looked around and found that the cliff on one side of the Cangwu Abyss was Mount Jiuyi, but he didn’t know where the cliff on the other side of the abyss was.
Seeing this cliff at this moment, he suddenly realized that this cliff was the other side of the great abyss!
/This cliff and Jiuyi Mountain are actually one body, but they are separated by the Cangwu Great Abyss!
The voice of the big bell also became excited and said: “Ah Ying, have you seen that ray of light falling from the sky? That is the rising ray of light left by the immortal when he ascended.”
Xu Ying looked around and saw an eternal glow hanging upside down in the sky a hundred miles away from the mountain peak and falling on the mountain.
The colors of the rays are richer and clearer than those of the Xiyi Realm, which is impressive!
This is the Chaozhen Taixu Cave, where immortals once ascended.
It is also a land of ascension!
Because there are immortals ascending here, the barrier between heaven and earth between here and the immortal world has become much thinner, and there is more vitality of heaven and earth.
Practicing here will get twice the result with half the effort!
Xu Ying’s mind was agitated, and he saw a lightning crater with a radius of dozens of miles left behind under the rising glow.
His agitated heart suddenly became cold.
There should be the lightning pit left by the heavenly tribulation when the ancient Qi Refiner went through the tribulation. Seeing this big pit, you can imagine the terrifying scene when the ascended Qi Refiner went through the tribulation!
However, the trees in the lightning crater are shorter than the trees in other places. Through the outline, you can see the grand scene of the tribulation that year!
In this Chaozhen Taixu Cave, there are large and small lightning strike craters, which should be the relics left by the ancient Qi Refiners who found this place to overcome the tribulation here!
In just a short moment, Xu Ying found seventeen lightning craters, some of which overlapped each other, and some of which had been buried by the years and could only barely see their outlines.
The biggest thing is that the cliff they are on is actually a lightning crater, and it is the largest one!
The cliff was very high. Xu Ying stoo

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