
sion is cancelled!”

David also heard the sound of gunshots. It was not the sound of a sniper soldier’s special sniper rifle. It sounded like the sound of a defensive machine gun.
The defensive machine gun can only deal with larvae in the wild, and has no effect on the first-level Zerg. The attack power cannot even break through the defense of the first-level Zerg.
The sound of defensive machine guns can easily attract Zerg, so this weapon is rarely used in the wild.
“Captain, the gunfire just now attracted the two ‘Tearing Flying Insects’, and they found me!” Edith’s horrified voice came.
Through Shadow Attendant, David saw Edith running and two ‘Tearing Flying Insects’ flying at low altitude behind her.
“No. 6, can you block a ‘Tearing Flying Insect’ alone?” Bliss didn’t panic. As the captain of the team, the team would be finished if he panicked.
Don’t even think about running at this time. Their speed makes it impossible for them to run in this kind of wilderness. The speed of the ‘Tearing Flying Insects’ can easily catch up with them one by one.
There is no point in returning to the landing ship. The landing ship is a huge target in front of the ‘Tearing Flying Insect’.
“No problem!” David replied calmly.
His words gave Bliss some added confidence.
“No. 4, use all the repellent powder, we will wait for you at the trap!” Bliss said in a deep voice.
“Yes, Captain!” Edith replied hastily.
“Everyone breaks out with all your strength. This is also the last battle of the day. We will go back after it’s over!” Bliss looked at the other three soldiers and said.
“Captain, what are you so afraid of!” Maitland responded loudly, then turned back to David and said: “No. 6, thank you!”
Everyone in the team knew that it would be difficult for David to deal with a ‘Tearing Flying Insect’, but except for David, no one here could survive the speed of the ‘Tearing Flying Insect’.
If a familiar squad of soldiers hadn’t happened to pass by last time, they would have been wiped out by two ‘tearing flying insects’.
The good luck last time cannot last forever, now we can only look at David.
David did not stay where he was. He could no longer hide his strength. Through Shadow Warrior’s eyes, he saw that at Edith’s speed, there was no way she could run here without being overtaken by the ‘Tearing Flying Insect’.
David himself faced a ‘Tearing Flying Insect’ and was confident that he could still fight, so he chose to take the initiative.
Although Edith didn’t get along with him for a long time, it was impossible for him to watch Edith being killed by the ‘Tearing Flying Insect’ when he had the ability.
“Captain, I’m going to pick up No. 4!” David said as he activated the giant land lion’s exoskeleton armor with all his strength, and the figure rushed forward.
There were six ‘Tearing Flying Insects’ in this group, and the two ‘Tearing Flying Insects’ chasing Edith were the last two, so David rushed out of the sound shielding area with confidence.
Bliss wanted to say something, but he didn’t say much.
/As the captain,

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