
les. Monk The only goal is to attain the Tao of Nirvana, become the master of the Tao of Nirvana, and become the end of Nirvana. When Junior Sister Nanxun abandons the Tao of Nirvana, she betrays the view of Nirvana and goes against my master. A traitor. , it is already extremely gracious to hand back what you have learned.”

Xu Ying frowned slightly and said, “The Dao Alliance aims to see the truth of the Dao, so why is it so concerned about the Dao?”
Kuigang Taoist said: “The Taoist Alliance is an alliance of people who share the same Taoism, not fellow Taoists. Naturally, we have to recover what we have learned.”
Xu Ying nodded lightly and said: “In this case, the actions of the Dao Alliance are understandable. Now that I am leaving the Dao Alliance and become the Chaos Lord, do I also have to return what I have learned in the Dao Alliance?”
Kuigang Taoist said: “In those days, fellow Taoist Xu showed extraordinary strength, but at that time, fellow daoist Xu had not yet become a Taoist master. It was originally agreed that after fellow Taoist Xu cultivated himself as a Taoist master, we would discuss Taoism again. Today is the perfect time for the meeting. Fellow Taoist Xu, please!”
Xu Ying shook his head and said: “Kui Gang, when I didn’t attain enlightenment, you still had a chance to defeat me. Now that I have attained enlightenment, you don’t have the slightest chance.”
Kuigang Taoist took a step forward. As he took this step, the annihilating sky fire in the surrounding chaotic sea suddenly burned, and in an instant, a annihilating cosmic flood was formed!
When the source of this cosmic flood is reversed, it will turn into a universe in the midst of a killing spree. The planet will be covered with scars from swords, and it will look terrifying!
There is a murderous energy in the starry sky that gathers in the galaxy, like the divine creature who created the world, waving a long whip, swinging up hundreds of millions of stars, whipping them back and forth!
/And by the way, it is the source of chaos. The power of chaos is unparalleled. It contains chaotic and majestic power. It is the cemetery and birthplace of countless avenues!
His nine innate paths have been cultivated to the point where they can move forward and backward, and the changes are so subtle and breathtaking. This level of cultivation can be said to be second only to the Palace Master among the Dao Alliance!
/He is much stronger than the last time he saw him. He has comprehended the most difficult Chaos Hongmeng evidence and has made up for his missing link. He is already very close to his master Daoji.
Xu Ying stood in front of Wen Nanxun. Kuigang raised his hand and lowered it. The power from the source of destruction suddenly burst out, and the sea of ??chaos shook violently!
However, when his heaven-destroying blow came in front of Xu Ying, all his power suddenly receded, leaving no trace of power left!
Kui Gang was shocked. The flood source of Nirvana behind him was still there, and so was the avenue of Nirvana. The two innate av

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