
n ring torn from Gu Daosheng into the big clock.

Suddenly, Dao Xian, the master of Jie Yun Palace, rushed from the thorn, spinning the whisk in his hand, and the dust threads spread out in all directions. The dust threads quickly grew longer and became compatible with the void.
Dao Xian took off his fly whisk and flew towards Xu Ying at a speed far exceeding the two of them. Xu Ying suddenly felt dizzy, the world was dim, and there were ghosts everywhere, hazy, ferocious and terrifying, and he knew he was being plotted by some bad luck.
He immediately screamed, activated the Houtian Avenue, and passed through the cutting of the tribulation dust thread.
Dao Xian let out a startled cry and ran after him. He raised his hand to grab the handle of the fly whisk and pulled it back hard. Countless dust threads shrank back and returned to normal.
“Did he escape the catastrophe?” Dao Xian was surprised and unsure.
Xu Ying galloped forward and rushed toward the Sea of ??Chaos. Suddenly, a bright mirror shone down, and a woman in bright yellow clothes stood under the mirror and shouted: “Boundless”
The mirror light shines, and Xu Ying is captured in the bright mirror with a swish sound.
This mirror is the Wuji treasure mirror, a treasure refined by Lingxi, the master of Wuji Hall. The mirror contains infinite time and space, a vast expanse of white, with no starting point, no end, and no avenue. It is called Wuji.
If it is caught in a mirror, it often cannot tell the direction. Even if it flies in one direction, it will never reach the end.
Lingxi had just put Xu Ying into the mirror, and before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she suddenly saw the Wuji Mirror shaking like ripples, and a human face poked out, and then a pair of big hands poked out of the mirror.
She activated the ultimate power of the Infinite Treasure Mirror, and saw countless infinite spaces suddenly appearing in the mirror, like two mirrors facing each other, with mirrors within mirrors, mirrors within mirrors, and mirrors within mirrors, endless!
/At this moment, countless promises are clinging to the mirror and crawling out.
“Infinite magical powers?”
The master of Lingxi Palace was shocked, and immediately knew that Xu Ying was also proficient in Wuji, and the Wuji Mirror alone could not trap him. He immediately clasped his hands in a circle, and wanted to kill Xu Ying with a Wuji Seal.
At this moment, Xu Ying suddenly grabbed a white-haired human head and pointed it towards her. The white-haired human head was extinguished between its brows, and the sky fire was blazing. Suddenly, white light shot through the mirror, meeting her Wuji Seal!
The ten fingers of Lingxi Hall’s hands were all cut off at the root. There were no fingers left. He felt as if his ten fingers had never been there since he was born in his mother’s womb. He couldn’t help being shocked. When he saw the white light coming, he hurriedly transformed into Wuji and escaped. go.
As soon as her front feet slipped away, Xu Ying climbed out of the Wuji Mirror and continued to

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