
between two peerless powerful men was really terrifying, and the aftermath left Taiyi Xiaoxuantian with almost no place where he could safely stand!

Everyone must keep moving in order to find a glimmer of hope in the falling light.
Xu Ying led Xian Qi and ran all the way, avoiding the rays of light. Suddenly the sky became bright. He looked up and felt despair in his heart.
An Qi also raised his head and stared blankly at the sky.
A ray of light that enveloped the entire sky penetrated Taiyi Xiaoxuantian and pressed downwards.
It is impossible to survive under the cover of such magical powers!
At this moment, the big bell soared into the sky and shouted: “What can the divine weapon of heaven do? What about the gods? Master Zhong, I suppressed the gods for three thousand years, don’t even think of showing off your evil in front of me!”
The big bell roared and expanded, encountering the rays of heaven, and the bell kept ringing. The rays of light from heaven make the big bell fluctuate, but the bell rises again every time and wipes out those rays of light!
Xu Ying was relieved and immediately accelerated towards Shicheng.
Suddenly, a four-armed stranger came towards him with a diagonal stab. He was still a hundred steps away, and his fists had already set off torrential waves of sand, pressing down on Xu Ying like a salon showman!
“Weirdo, Longyuan God wants to keep you!”
This punch blasted out, the dragon’s roar shook, and a vision of a green dragon coiled behind the four-armed stranger appeared, and it was martial arts magical power that was displayed.
That green dragon was extremely real. Apparently he had seen a real green dragon before, and it was only through his image that he could practice martial arts to such an extent!
Xu Ying was about to turn sideways to avoid this martial arts magical move, but suddenly it felt like a big mountain was pressing on him, and his body became extremely heavy.
He looked up and saw a golden elixir flying towards him, with thousands of rays of light, suppressing it from top to bottom!
Another four-armed female stranger flew over and shouted: “Long Yuan God has a destiny to keep you, life or death!”
The two of them cooperated closely. One attacked and attracted Xu Ying’s attention, while the other took advantage of Xu Ying’s unpreparedness and used the golden elixir to suppress it.
Xu Ying’s body movement speed was greatly reduced, and the martial arts magical power of the four-armed stranger had already rushed towards him, hitting him heavily!
The salon exploded, and the four-armed stranger’s fist collided with Xu Ying’s body and collapsed.
The four-armed stranger was shocked, and the next moment he came to Xu Ying, spread out his four arms, and fought at close range.
However, Xu Ying resisted the woman’s suppression and fought with him head-on.
The four-armed stranger was frightened and angry. His four hands, fists, palms, hooks, fingers, or knives, attacked like rain. Each of his blows is accompanied by a deafening dragon roar, and the powe

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