
rown, their organs have recovered, they are full of energy again, and their bodies are like tigers. They feel powerful enough to tear apart the demon ancestor’s parents and children.

But after calming down, they accepted the cruel reality.
“Oh, I can tear Qi Liandao and Qi Chengdao apart with my own hands. It’s not enough to really face the peerless masters!” Wang Xuan reflected and couldn’t help but sigh.
He was almost exploded after being beaten by someone wearing a silver mask. He is still frowning to this day. There is no solution. The difference in strength is obvious and cannot be changed.
The two of them searched for the female alchemist, but they walked around the desert without finding the magician. In the end, they had no choice but to walk around Sanlangdui and never strayed far away.
“Lao Zhang is trapped and won’t be able to get out for a short time.”
“There are more and more extraordinary people in the Gobi. This shows that many people know the legend of the ancient medicine garden and are looking for it. We can’t just watch anymore.”
Three days later, the two of them were surprised to find that on the edge of the Great Gobi, close to the spiritual world, many people came from all major camps, from demon cultivators to human cultivators.
“This is a holy land for spiritual practice!” said an old monk, and even some old guys came running over.
Before reaching the realm of free travel, it is too difficult to get close to the spiritual world. For many people, it is simply impossible.
However, in this place, no matter whether your spiritual practice is advanced enough or not, you can get close to the mysterious world, which is a magnificent world presented by spiritual power.
/Any extraordinary person can be on the edge, slowly walk inward, slowly adapt, nourish the spirit here, and baptize the soul.
Ahead, the scenery is clear, the great lake is steaming, high mountains stand tall, divine waterfalls fall from the sky like the Milky Way, and even Zhilan herb looms in the clouds.
/“It’s really amazing.” Wang Xuan was surprised. Is this a spiritual world?
In the distance, someone was discussing, saying: “The Fourth Demon has entered and rushed straight into this spiritual world. In such a hurry, it seems to confirm a legend.”
“What legend?” someone asked in confusion.
“In ancient times, the Demon Fourth lineage was the orthodox lineage in the Demonic Way, and the current Demon Ancestor is a side line. Unfortunately, the Demon Emperor, who used to be the orthodox lineage, wanted to return to the real world and borrowed the spiritual realm to get out of here. As a result, Lost the message”
Everyone gasped when they heard this.
“It’s not just the Fourth Demon. It is reported that the Demon Ancestor may have gone in first. He wouldn’t want to find the remains of the Demon Emperor, right?”
People were talking a lot.
However, someone shook his head and said: “You are overthinking. The Demon Ancestor did not show up for the orthodox lineage of the Demon Dao. He is probably looking for other importa

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