
g’an’s eyes shone brightly and he said: “This Nuo Immortal must have done many evil things. My master will eliminate violence and make peace!”

Xu Ying continued: “There was a sword wound between the eyebrows of the Nuo Immortal Chen Miuzhu. It was caused by the Eight-sided Sword, which directly pierced his forehead. After Chen Miuzhu died, the sword energy formed lines of fairy light around him. , like a sword, spinning around him.”
Xue Ying’an said excitedly: “Master is a master of bells and swords. The sword energy he left behind will never be erased even after a thousand or two thousand years!”
Xu Ying said: “The Nuo Immortal Chen Miuzhu was eaten.”
Xue Ying’an was still waiting to speak, but was stunned when he heard the words.
Xu Ying said: “Chen Miuzhu was eaten until only a piece of human skin was left. He was so resentful that he turned into a ghost and a fairy to cause trouble. He searched for ghosts to refine elixirs, and also captured living people, intending to seize their bodies and be reborn. It’s just that , not to mention his body, even his soul has been eaten completely, so how can he be reborn?”
Xue Ying’an’s eyes widened and his face turned red.
Xu Ying continued: “The person who ate Chen Miuzhu was the one who used the sword skill just now to break through his hidden scene. This person stabbed him to death with an eight-sided sword. The reason why he didn’t Any ability to resist is because his Nuo technique was taught by the person using the Eight-sided Sword.”
Xue Ying’an stammered: “Brother Xu, what do you want to say? I have no enmity or enmity with you, why do you slander my master?”
“shut up!”
Xue Ying’an was furious, and suddenly a flying sword flew out from his Xiyi Domain. The sword energy surged and pointed at Xu Ying!
This sword energy was so pure and strong that it made Xu Ying’s clothes rustle. A piece of his clothes was cut off by the invisible sword energy, and then shattered in the air, flying like a butterfly!
Xu Ying’s heart was slightly shaken. This sword energy was too powerful, even stronger than the boundary-breaking sword energy he had comprehended!
He only figured out the sword’s intention and way from the sword marks left by Li Xiaoke, but Xue Ying’an got Li Xiaoke’s true biography!
This swordsmanship is much better than his!
At this moment, a sudden gust of wind blew, causing both of them to shiver. They saw a majestic man in armor walking towards them and passed through their bodies!
Xue Ying’an’s surging sword energy failed to hurt the majestic man at all!
/An Qi screamed in surprise. Xu Ying looked over and saw that An Qi’s body was too big and too long. The majestic man walked into his body and did not get out for a long time.
This feeling is extremely weird and uncomfortable, even for snakes.
“Master Qi, reduce your size!” Xu Ying suddenly said.
An Qi quickly shrank his body and turned into a small snake about a foot long, jumping onto Xu Ying’s shoulder.
Xu Ying whispered: “The ghosts of the dead appeared in the city. The village elders told me t

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