
ial arts, and Xu Ying was able to completely open up the martial arts cave and improve his cultivation level, needless to say.

But he also lost the best opportunity to observe and open up the other side of martial arts.
“Xu Ergou beats me to it, that’s all, I’m going to comprehend Lihentian!”
Xu Ying calmed down and continued to understand the Taoist Patriarch’s brand according to what Taiqing Taoist said.
Although Lihentian’s Taoist brand was broken and scattered, he occasionally gained some subtle insights, which still inspired him a lot.
He had already merged with the Dao of Heaven and Earth in the Land of Daoqi. The Land of Daoqi was the dojo of Taoist Taiqing. Taoist Taiqing was the Taoist Primordial Spirit of Taiqing. This time he concentrated on meditating and comparing it with that After the first combination of Taoism, Xu Ying’s understanding of Taoism can be described as extremely fast!
Unknowingly, he had stayed in Tushita Palace for dozens of days, but he was still immersed in understanding. He picked up various Taoist imprints scattered in the world, and his understanding became deeper and deeper.
Taiqing Taoist came to see him several times. When he saw this, he secretly sighed in his heart: “This man is the best successor of King Kong Zhuo. That useless snake is still a snake after all, which is better than nothing.”
An Qi and Dazhong also came to Tushita Palace to visit Xu Ying. Seeing that he had been quietly meditating, Orochi and Dazhong had no choice but to return to Penglai and continue practicing.
/Penglai receives the fairy light from the immortal world and attracts the immortal energy. You practice here and your life is very nourishing.
Since An Qi received Taoist Taoist Master Taiqing’s guidance in dreaming, he seems to have had an enlightenment, and his cultivation strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Especially in the ritual refining of the Vajra Diamond, his size is as good as he wants, and he can send and receive it as he pleases!
The diamond was refined by him to create many wonderful things. The two qi of yin and yang were intertwined in the diamond, and turned into a Tai Chi diagram, which could be used to collect people and objects, and it could be changed according to the mind.
Seeing that he had been refining the magic weapon these past few days, Dazhong was eager to try it, and said, “Master Qi, how powerful is this treasure of yours? Why don’t we compare it.”
/An Qi didn’t know the power of the Vajra Diamond, so he immediately offered it up as a sacrifice.
The big bell roared towards me, shouting: “I’ll hold back my strength.”
“call out”
The big bell was put away by the King Kong Zhuo, and the next moment it fell into the Tai Chi Diagram, losing all its power. It fell to the ground with a clang, rolled for two weeks and then became motionless.
The big clock was startled: “Am I already dead?”
An Qi was also startled, stepped forward in a hurry, and poked the big clock with his tail. After a while, Dazhong came back to his senses, and felt that his Taoism had r

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