
ross the earth, and was about to run away, but Lao Chen was faster and caught up with her, hitting her in the back.

Xia Qing had no choice but to turn around and face the enemy. As a result, he was unable to block the punch, and his left arm was twisted and deformed, almost completely broken off.
With a bang, the alloy armor on her heart exploded, and a punch penetrated her. Her body was pierced with blood, and she flew out with a rain of blood and fell to the ground.
The white light boiled, and Grand Master Mo Hai took action to stop Lao Chen from killing Xia Qing. Seven white light chains flew to lock Lao Chen’s limbs and bones.
Lao Chen turned around and punched out, breaking the sound barrier. Seven light chains exploded directly. He jumped more than ten meters away and blasted towards Mo Hai.
Mo Hai resisted with all his strength, but with a bang, the white light all over his body was scattered. Even though he reacted quickly and evaded in time, his left shoulder armor was still shattered and half of his body was damaged and stained with blood. He was thrown away and fell to the ground.
The two great masters in the new art field were both severely injured. They were unable to get up for a while and suffered serious and irreversible injuries. Both of them had nearly twenty bones broken and their bodies were even penetrated.
Lao Chen also seemed to have a serious health problem. He stopped, covered his chest with his hands, gasped violently, and stood still for the time being.
/People who follow the new path are both shocked and frightened. Lao Chen defeated two great masters by himself. His strength is terrifying.
Some people couldn’t help but want to step forward and couldn’t help but watch the two great masters being killed. At the same time, some people saw that there was something wrong with Lao Chen’s condition and were eager to try. If they could kill the last prominent figure in the old art field now, This road is over!
Wang Xuan stepped forward directly. The people who followed the old path saw that something was wrong and all took steps forward. It was impossible to watch Lao Chen standing in front alone.
“Old Chen, stop it. Let’s end it like this today.” Chang Heng, an old man in Tang suit, said with a complicated expression, showing regret and sighing.
He knew that he would never see Lao Chen again after today, as his internal problems had been detonated.
At the same time, he also knew that the two great masters would probably not survive. How could it be possible for them to survive with Lao Chen’s character.
“Chang Heng, are you going to stop me?” Lao Chen asked breathlessly.
Chang Heng’s heart beat wildly when he heard this. He had known Lao Chen when he was young and knew him well, and now he could see the cold light deep in his eyes. Chang Heng turned around and boarded the spacecraft without saying a word.
“I practice new techniques to strengthen my body. Now I am only doing theoretical research.” After saying this, he also called his acquaintances to board the boat.
/Old Chen said

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