
attened millions of mountains with one sword, the area of ??100,000 miles has become flat and empty, and no living thing can approach it anymore.

Wang Xuan and Jiang Qingyao were back, and when the madman was gone, they immediately approached the plateau cautiously and cautiously.
Of course, the two of them were fully prepared before this. Sword Fairy personally arranged multiple teleportation arrays so that if there was an accident, they could run away directly.
/It can be seen that her escape ability is very strong, or her survival skills are quite strong, which is somewhat in contrast to her fairy-like appearance.
Moreover, the two of them roughly confirmed that the madman who survived from ancient times may travel far away from the details!
“Let me go. Is he going to carry the mortal sword and go to the Immortal Land to kill people and do evil things? No, I have to send the news back quickly!”
Wang Xuan was really scared. If this lunatic was as deep and dark as he suspected, pretending to be crazy in order to collect all the treasures, he might seriously threaten the people he knew.
The two of them were whispering when they suddenly felt violent fluctuations between the sky and the earth. A shocking sword light tore through the sky, flew across the sky, and flew into the distance.
“The Sword of the World!” The Sword Fairy exclaimed. She lost her composure and was no longer quiet and pure. She was extremely excited, like a happy girl, standing there on tiptoes, jumping, watching the trajectory of the Sword of the World, and capturing the interweaving patterns it created. Supreme Rules.
Wang Xuan didn’t scream. In fact, he was not in the mood. He was trying his best to communicate with the health furnace deep in the soul, comforting it. Don’t be restless. If he alarmed the lunatic, there would be no place to cry.
Fortunately, the health stove is rock solid and very quiet.
The human sword went away, split the sky, and disappeared in a flash.
“Don’t worry, he is not going to the Immortal Land, he is going to the highest spiritual world!” Sword Fairy said solemnly.
“How did he get there?” Wang Xuan was puzzled, but he knew that the highest spiritual world was extremely dangerous, and even peerless masters did not dare to enter it easily.
In recent times, only a few people, including Buddhist ascetics, have visited.
Jiang Qingyao looked at the area where the human sword disappeared and said: “Although the highest spiritual world is extremely dangerous, there are always legends that it hides great opportunities and has a huge temptation for the extraordinary.”
/Obviously, the madman has been practicing swordsmanship for many years, and his cultivation is terrifying. He naturally has the strength to set foot there. Before the myth is about to be extinguished, he goes in with the human sword for the last round of exploration.
“I hope he is just trying his luck, rather than having a clear goal of harvesting something there. Otherwise, I would really be worried about the people in the Immortal Land.” Wang Xua

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