
an quickly retreated, and surprisingly he avoided it, which was somewhat beyond his expectation.

How could he avoid such a sky-reaching sword light?
“Yes, the remaining spiritual energy from the past was activated by me and rushed into the interior. After all, she is not the real her. What I saw and heard is not true. It is just the flash of her magical power in the past. It cannot hurt me. !”
/Every time he enters the interior, Wang Xuan’s mental perception will quickly become cold and quiet, leaving himself in a state of absolute emptiness.
He realized that the female sword fairy was not her true form after all, and she did not have such great power!
If she could intervene in the present world, she would not have to wait for future generations to activate the mysterious factor before coming out of her own bones, and her remaining spiritual energy would not be a cause for concern.
Then, Wang Xuan paid the price for this confidence. A piece of sword light fell, there could be dozens of them, covering the area, most of them hit him.
Wang Xuan’s body was in severe pain, and he felt a little unbearable. It was as if someone had struck him up into the sky, and the sword light fell on him one after another, killing him non-stop.
Fortunately, it was the remaining spiritual energy, and it was a little weird, so it couldn’t really chop him into pieces. It just kept hitting him, causing him to suffer great pain.
He was a little confused. Is this the female sword fairy’s initial intervention in the world? Somewhat scary.
“My golden body is immortal, and the outside scene is all empty. It is difficult to hurt my body!” He growled. If the remaining spiritual energy split him open, it would be a big problem.
He firmly believes that the deceased has disappeared for thousands of years, and it is impossible to really do anything to him.
/He operated the Golden Body Technique, and he emitted a faint golden light, and then his body suddenly fell from the air like a javelin, with his feet nailed to the ground.
In the interior, a strong self-spirit can change everything and can effectively resist the attacks of residual spiritual energy.
Sure enough, as Wang Xuan strengthened his faith and continued to use the golden body technique to protect himself and strengthen his spirit, he felt that the whole world was undergoing subtle changes.
The sword light in the sky was no longer so fierce, and turned into a dim sword light when it fell. He either avoided it or resisted it with his golden body. Although the pain was still severe, it was not as unbearable as before.
Finally, the attack ended. Wang Xuan stood where he was, using the root method of the pre-Qin alchemist, and began to attract the mysterious factors. He did not forget why he came in, to help Lao Chen heal his injuries.
A peerless female swordsman leans on her sword across the sky, lighting up the dark sky. Her moon-white dress flutters, her beautiful face, and her cold and earthly temperament give people a sense of otherworldly beauty.
But she attacked Wang Xuan

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